Foxtailing! Good or Bad?


Well-Known Member
Hey 420,

I'm just coming up to the end of week 9 on my current grow. Over the past 2 weeks iv noticed some of the buds start to foxtail. I had put it down to genetics but after more time went on it started to happen with all the plants. I have 4 different stains from different breeders so it can't be genetics. My Swiss cheese was due to harvest in 6-8 weeks. I check the trichomes under a 40x and also a 200x and I can't see any amber yet just cloudy. The white widow has a harvest time of 7-9 weeks and that's the same only cloudy. Northern lights and the blue cheese are further behind with some cloudy but mostly clear.

Iv read different forums/post and different grow website and everyone seems to have different options on foxtailing. Should I be concerned with this and considering an early harvest or let them go ? They do seem to be swelling a bit more but the foxtailing is really getting out of control so im a bit worried.

Room conditions:

Day temp: 27c - 30c This sometimes spikes to 33c I can't do anything to remedy this until they finish.
Day humidity: 37% - 55%

Night temps: 18c - 22c
Night humidity: 40% 60%

Apologies in advance for the photos .






My last plant foxtailed really bad. I am a newbie but from my understanding and from others input foxtailing is from heat stress. There's way too much heat in your grow area. It's just going to continue to do this and just bust out all new buds everywhere. I've read it doesn't necessarily affect your smoke but you're going to continually have new growth unless you fix that heat problem.
Sometimes foxtailing occurs when pollen is present. Sometimes it's light stress. Nute issues can cause it, too. Your case doesn't look bad man, I'd say soldier on to harvest but maybe look for bananas . throwing pollen, check your timer, and make sure your PH & EC/PPM are on point.
I have had foxtailing a lot of grows it's from heat stress, or strain dependent sometimes when they get done swelling they start upward growth again. I have noticed this with more Landrace type strains or indicia strains
My last plant foxtailed really bad. I am a newbie but from my understanding and from others input foxtailing is from heat stress. There's way too much heat in your grow area. It's just going to continue to do this and just bust out all new buds everywhere. I've read it doesn't necessarily affect your smoke but you're going to continually have new growth unless you fix that heat problem.

Yeah I had read heat stress I was just hoping it wasn't. What did you do in the end ?

The only way I can reduce temps is by putting more intake into the room or buying a second extractor. I'm in a 2.4m2 tent with a 1500m2 extractor. I won't be able to access the exhaust or intake ports until the plants come out. Catch 22
Sometimes foxtailing occurs when pollen is present. Sometimes it's light stress. Nute issues can cause it, too. Your case doesn't look bad man, I'd say soldier on to harvest but maybe look for bananas . throwing pollen, check your timer, and make sure your PH & EC/PPM are on point.

I had a white widow turn hermie at about 6 weeks so I chopped it before it affected the others. Had hoped I got it in time.

I'll check them out again and try get the heat down further and keep going. I flushed them all last week so their on straight water now til chop. I was hoping to get at least 80% amber as I prefer the couch lock stone
I have had foxtailing a lot of grows it's from heat stress, or strain dependent sometimes when they get done swelling they start upward growth again. I have noticed this with more Landrace type strains or indicia strains

Did you noticed much difference with the smoke ? I have the cheese from barneys and the white widow and northern lights from royal queen I think
No. No difference.

Ok cool I'm going to try my best to sort out temps and see how we go from there. I'm assuming their not maturing because they are trying to grow some new buds ? I thought the Swiss was doing well and had planned to chop last week but it just stopped grow and the amber never happened
Sometimes foxtailing occurs when pollen is present. Sometimes it's light stress. Nute issues can cause it, too. Your case doesn't look bad man, I'd say soldier on to harvest but maybe look for bananas . throwing pollen, check your timer, and make sure your PH & EC/PPM are on point.
Yes,foxtailing a prob usually heat ,get a portable aircon to keep temp 24°c day with steady Hume at 50,at night drop temp to 20 or 22.big temp changes cud do it as well,I'd use it as an ideal excuse to try back building simply chop the tail back if you see it starting and behind should get denser,although different varieties take it differently.
Yes,foxtailing a prob usually heat ,get a portable aircon to keep temp 24°c day with steady Hume at 50,at night drop temp to 20 or 22.big temp changes cud do it as well,I'd use it as an ideal excuse to try back building simply chop the tail back if you see it starting and behind should get denser,although different varieties take it differently.

I started back building the one of he NL last night so I'll see how that goes. I had planned on back building them half way through flowering but never got around to it. Plus I'll be getting some little nuggets to smoke early .
That's what I love about all this,you loaded with info but if it your passion you also seem to have unlimited memory for all the new tricks,when I started I did under 250second hand low bay sodiums with good stash seed which I thought would be well crunchy if I took it to sinse(not sensi,an Americanism),so sensi seeds etc what are you doing,was it a case of we can't change it know all the printings done,well they survived and flourished despite the misspelling,sin=without,semilla=seed.Mistates wind it in,they done more harm for the cause than the rest of t world put together,now they saying legalize,decrimanize and it has many therapeutic usrs,a 360 and a half if I ever saw one,if u can get to wikileaks it will shock you as to the expected revenue,to be spent on(The paronoid mutters at t top)THE DEFENCE BUDGET,like it needs more,with the small pickings maybe helping sort their utterly terrible health system,any country that would leave the dying out in the cold coz they don't have adequate insurance and call themselves a superpower are pure power rangers,they should be ashamed of thrmselvrs,only a small slice a history and it is amazing what a mess they've made,won't even sign the Kyoto agreement,to me that says it all,they reckon that if u fall in the HUDSEN I think,u be lucky to swim out...SUPERPOWER they should be made ASHAMED of what they have left for the future,like the higher echelons care,sorry to get political but the Tories have been having their cake n eating it for way to long.TBS
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