Fox tailing continues


Well-Known Member
my Bruce banner Auto is right at its 3 month mark the breeder recommendations was and where from like 70-87 days I believe got foxtailing going on still not seeming to get any better should I chop her




She actually looking very good if you ask me, no enough trichomes though, but the grow length may change due to all the things in the world - like water, ph, feeding, fertilizers, just a twist in genetics and so on so on, including slidest changes in temperature. Give her a week or two more and perhaps give her some stress so that she would get more resin for you
Your plant look happy and healthy, I would not worry to much about fox tailing. Just keep an eye on the trichomes; I see the pistil have changed colors already in the first couple images and there are no new ones.

When I had fox tailing happen it was normally near the end of flowering suggested harvest time. Fox tailing cause my plant to exceed the flowering period and I decided to chop her. Still smokable, just not necessary what you want.

I would say it is your call on when to harvest.

Hope this helps.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Your plant look happy and healthy, I would not worry to much about fox tailing. Just keep an eye on the trichomes; I see the pistil have changed colors already in the first couple images and there are no new ones.

When I had fox tailing happen it was normally near the end of flowering suggested harvest time. Fox tailing cause my plant to exceed the flowering period and I decided to chop her. Still smokable, just not necessary what you want.

I would say it is your call on when to harvest.

Hope this helps.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
I do believe she don’t look to bad but I have had a problem once she hit flowering because I used old soil that had roots from a previous plant I ended up cutting before it was done due to my woman always complaining bout it. lol but I didn’t know to now use it if I had dead roots in it and it made a brown spot on my stalk and got a little sick I cut the spot out and doctored her back up she got healthy but when she started flowering half the plant was way futher alkng than the other half. And once the buds actually start getting nice it started to foxtail which from what I’ve put together was using that bad soil?
Your plant look happy and healthy, I would not worry to much about fox tailing. Just keep an eye on the trichomes; I see the pistil have changed colors already in the first couple images and there are no new ones.

When I had fox tailing happen it was normally near the end of flowering suggested harvest time. Fox tailing cause my plant to exceed the flowering period and I decided to chop her. Still smokable, just not necessary what you want.

I would say it is your call on when to harvest.

Hope this helps.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Half of the buds are some what full and dense the other half is real loose and a lot more foxtail the foxtail side being the one that was behind






Used soil or soil with left over roots in it are fine… in fact it’s actually helpful because they carry rhizomes from the previous plant that has already adapted to that soil mix

yeah all of her pistols have turned dark and crinkled in, that coupled with the fact that there are no zero fresh pistils popping out makes me think she’s done…

think I’d do the chop and move on.
I do believe she don’t look to bad but I have had a problem once she hit flowering because I used old soil that had roots from a previous plant
Not a problem at all. The roots will decompose within a couple of weeks and return all the nutrients they contain so that the new plant will be able to use them.

I believe got foxtailing going on still not seeming to get any better
Not sure but I think that you are saying that you thought the plant would stop forming foxtails. My experience is that once it starts the foxtail situation will stay until the plant has been harvested or has been allowed to go back to a vegetative stage.

should I chop her
Your plant so up to you. I think that it needs another week or two to go. I like to see more trichomes showing and I like to see that they have gotten a bit larger and milky colored. So far they look skinny and most of them have not started growing their bulb or head.

Bruce banner Auto is right at its 3 month mark the breeder recommendations was and where from like 70-87 days
Allowing 28 to 35 days (4 to 5 weeks) for the vegetative stage and then 56 to 63 days (8 to 9 weeks) for flowering you are pretty much close to the breeds schedule that you mentioned. Some growers like to go longer to get more amber and the couch-lock that often goes along with it but that is up to you. Maybe check with the breeder or seed bank to find out if you are remembering the recommended number of days. It is easy to forget that info.

I have a couple of questions for you. What fertilizers were you using and what was the dose and schedule?
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