found hermies in my power plant


New Member
i have found out i have 2 hermies that are fully seeded should i pull them now? they are in day 44 of flowering and said to be ready 8-10 weeks so i had planned to pull at 63 days. also sine these were feminsed seeds will these new seeds if left to mature become fem power plants also? the only thing i can surmise is when these plants got a phospherus def after flushing them it stressed and became a hermie. i have 3 other power plants and the look normal and very frosty so i guess they are ok. any help is gladly apprecited.
Here's what I wrote in another thread awhile back. Copy/paste.

If there were no males in your grow room then those seeds are 100% female. Sometimes Mother nature takes over if the plant has not been polinated and will cause a plant to become hermaphrodite in order to keep the species going. Sometimes the plant will become hermaphrodite due to stress. If this happens then it's more of a possibility that those seeds may become hermaphrodite. Either way all seeds from hermaphrodite plants are 100% female. If they are seeds from stressed plants they have a greater chance of becoming hermaphrodites themselves.

I've planted over 100 seeds from hermed plants in the past with near 100% female results. In the beginning I used all feminzed seeds. So I saved every seed I could find in my bud. Sometimes I would find 50 seeds in 1 plant and a few in surrounding plants and none in the rest. That just meant that the one with 50 seeds was the hermed plant. I NEVER got a male from a seed I planted from a hermed plant. It's impossible. It's basic genetics

I definately wouldn't throw those seeds out. I would give it a shot and see what happens. Keep us posted in the future of your results.
thanks for the second opinions that is what my conclusion was also just kinda nice to know im on the right track . ok now the next question will these now seeded females be ready at the same time as the other non seeded females?
Some times they don't go quite as long because they have been pollinated and produced seed. So it no longer has any point to its existence. Just keep an eye on the trichs and harvest when they are 50/50 amber/cloudy or wherever you like them to be.
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