Forced flowering


New Member
this might be a stupid question, but can you force flowering on an outdoor plant, also can you take it back out into a vegetive state, i was wondering cause i was talking to this dude and he said that is how he checks the sex
I'm sure it's possible. It might be pretty labor intensive though. Like, you could build a box big enough to cover your plants, and just make sure they only get 12 hours of light a day.
Yes, once they flower enough to show sex, you can throw them back into a 18-24 hour light cycle and they will go back into veg. Better (if you can) to keep them indoors to sex them like this before you put them outside though. IMOH, it's easier and more reliable to just set a timer.
Lunch most people I know who check sex like that do it like this. They take a cutting root it and 12 12 that cutting to see what its sex will be. If you do it with you're whole plant you're going to spend a extra month due to reverting it back to vegging. Just take a ctting and check that to see what sex it is
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