Flush or Wait?


Well-Known Member
Hi all! New grower here.. plant leaves are dying.. Couple of plants dying from bottom up, but one all over. After a lot of reading and research, I believe I'm over doing the nutes!! Leaves are crispy.. I've been fairly aggressive with nutes.

I'm growing in Promix PH soilless. The plants must be atleast 2 days away from needing water again. Leaves continue to die at a half decent pace..

Would you flush?? Stress the plants out a bit.. Or wait the couple days for soilless to dry out and water with straight water? Or just verrry little nutes. Thanks!

Plants dying from bottom..


Plant overall looks ok..


2nd plant, leaves dying all over.


Plant overall


Do not flush .i would suggest to just leave the plant until you need to water again and then water the plant with correct ph and lowest ppm as possible
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