Flowering stage: should I remove leaves?


420 Member
Hi guys!

I have 2 purple bud auto, they are 32 days old.

This is my first experience, I'm trying my best but I didn't get serious problems.

My setup:

300w qb LED (20" distance from plants) 18/6
3x2x5 grow box
6" inline fan + 2x 6" clip
11L dirt pot with biobizz LightMix soil
Feeding with biobizz nutrients and ph 6.5 water

Now, I think my babies are doing well, can't understand in which one stage am I :(
We just entered in flowering stage right? I ask this because when I thought my plants were in pre-flowerinf stage I didn't see too much grow, so I'm not really sure.

What do you think guys that some leaves are yellowing and dying? I already cut some and other are yellowing. I know that in pre-harvest this should be ok because the plant take nuteient from leaves, but maybe now is a little early?!

Plants responded well only after my last feed.
Not understanding the problem I used two different feed for each plant. Full strength nutrients for the bigger one (first one) and a pH 6.5 water flush for second one.
Both are ok now! So what's the problem? I was thinking about some def, maybe Nitrogen? But why they responded well anyway with two different feeds of there are some def? :/
Runoff pH is ok...

My last big question: should I remove somes leaves for better light prenetation? There are buds under bigger leaves, they can get more light

Thank you guys and sorry for my b english, not my first language :)

Happy grow!

Hi. Clip the dead ones. Move the ones covering any of the buds. If you can’t move them, I’d clip them off. Makes sure you have good circulation running underneath the plant.
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