Flowering plants


Well-Known Member
Hiya my buds are small for week 6 so I'm wondering if I can stop waiting for them 2 dry and start bk at week 4 of flower its indoors grow and I use shogun feed any help ta
Hi , don't worry , the next few weeks will see them swell and grow . if you are counting your weeks from the day you flipped your lights , then it is easy to exclude at least one week due to the stretch period and for many of us , we use the stretch weeks like veg weeks and feed as veg anyway. it won't hurt to carry on with hiwnyour going and increase the feeds as though a week younger. it won't make a big difference except when you need to add your sumo boost and pk warrior/ Dragon Force .
Oh and forgive me I didn't mention I've used rox will that make buds small but yes I didn't give the 1st 2 weeks flower a veg feed straight flower after 4 weeks veg shite ha I understand now gonna get a smaller yield I think now darn ha ha ta brother
It's 8 weeks OR more for me . One Bubblegum that is drying currently went 8 weeks while one of her sisters is at seven weeks and she will go at least another few. Her flower tops are getting so fat and long that I would crazy to pull herr in a week . Every plant is different IMHO !
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