Flowering/nute uptake advice


New Member
Hello friends. I have a hypothetical question. If someone were growing 15 medical plants in a 5x5 gorilla tent, hydro superflow 20 under an LED light what might make the nutrients not be up taken by the plants. These plants were absorbing 20 ppm of nutes every day while vegging. This week the nutrs were switched to flowering along with the lights to 12/12 this past Sunday. The ppm has actually elevated slightly in the past few days. The plants seem normal. I have va 1/4 hp chiller hooked up and the water temp is 69.

This would be someone's first run and they would be thankful b for all the help provided. Thanks.


So like theoretically taking in 20 ppm per plant a day is signs of a sever problem. The plants are stunting in theory for probably something that might have nothing to do with the water. But I am surprised you got them to bloom stage with that uptake.

When I run DWC I can get my res to run close to 2k ppm and a few gallons a day at that rate before turning to bloom. You might want to ask this person to post some more details on the tent environment because I run in a 5x5 Gorilla too and mine works just fine. The zipper broke almost immediately but the tent is fine otherwise.

One thing that causes nutes to not go into the plants is what is called Lock out. Your friend may have been told at the store to have their pH at soil level and you are running Hydro which will cause lockout.

If you get them to upload some photos here the website will remove the meta data automatically and the images can not be traced back to your friend.

The plants growing large. The ppm intake may have been close to 10 ppm per day. I have a blue labs monitor on it so I'm constantly watching the spec. It is humid in the space as well. A C runs to keep the whole room in mid 80s temp. The plants are over 2 feet tall and seem to be healthy. The got nute burn when I first used vegging nutes. They failed to switch to 18/6 from 24 straight.as soon as the switch was made they started drinking and grew rapidly. Some pics will be posted shortly.
I must just be misunderstanding as I just have never seen uptake described in terms of concentration this way. People usually say my res is at XYZ ppm and I top it off with 3 gallons At ABC ppm or I am adding 3 gallons at ABC ppm a day...but dividing it down to the plant which isn't really accurate or meaningful is something I have not seen.

So I will try to rephrase this. There are a bunch of things people do that stunt plants. If you think you have stunted them then you may have. I feel however that there is not enough info in your post to diagnose it. You list off a bunch of things that you think are correct but nothing that is inherently wrong.

I am suspecting since you are running a chiller that there are almost no living Beneficial bacteria which will reduce growth rate and final yield unless handled correctly. Since you are running a chiller you may have never added beneficials so it may only have detrimental bacteria in there.

There is also a possibility you did not add symbiotic Fungi to enable popper evened out Nute uptake.

There is even a possibility that you are not letting the res cycle and you are attempting to hold the pH in one small window causing all sorts of problems.

I don't like running my plants in the 80's myself.

I could list off everything that could be wrong here but without any symptoms I am just wasting space.
Thanks for the reply.
I listed the conditions present not avoiding what is wrong. That is what is boggling my mind. Everything seems right to me. You are correct that the person isn't using any hisenberg tea as the roots are bright white and the water is not slimed. You recommend a earthworm casing tea? My issue is only that the ppm is rising instead of decreasing. It decreased steadily during veg phase. It's only day 5 of flouring phase . What do you think, do you need pictures?

Thank you for your time

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This person is not over ph'ing. They let ride to 6.1 then drop to 5.5 and allow to rise. They notice that ph down is not nearly as effective as it was during veg stage.

Sent from my SM-N910T using 420
I would start by cutting your nutes in half the saltier the nutes the less water is uptaken and the harder it is to get nutes up. You also said your friend was using hydro, what is the medium coco, hydroton, etc.. what is the ph of the res? Is there an airstone in the res? Thing i would recommend your friend pick up at the hydro store:

- amino acids
- Kelp
- phosphorus
- potassium
- VitaminB

once you cut the res nutes in half add in amino acids, kelp,vitamin-b, and since you are at the beginning of flower use phosphorus, this will be for the first 4-5 weeks the second 4-5 weeks you will switch phosphorus with potassium.
Thanks for the reply. The Individual is using hydrocorn. The hydro set is a combo ebb and flow, Dwc with air stones. The ph has been rising fast. They are keeping it at 5.5 and allowing to rise. Never adding ph down more than once in 12 hours.

They will read your info in detail and reply soon.

Thank you

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Heisenberg teas and other teas by the way are not for fixing problems. They happen to do that as well...but they are primarily added to get optimal growth and yield and potency. For example some people do lots off odd things with lighting schedules to increase resin but a good tea will fool the plant into thinking it has an insect infestation which causes excessive resin production and bud formation. No lighting changes will get you the kind of resin you get from that. Not using Teas means you will not get optimal results. You can get great results but they could have been better. Now you can avoid making them if you want to spend the money to buy pre-made stuff...but a good hydro store will have their own brand to sell as this stuff is so cheap to make.

Without Beneficial bacteria and fungus in the res then you will have to do a bunch of things to get close to the type of results you can get for letting mother nature just work. These things all cost money but in my opinion make it harder because you are fighting nature.

My tea has everything you need for bloom including all the base nutes and probably in the end all the micros too. So I don't need to do any funky stuff with lights or spend a bunch of money to get optimal results. But one of the cool things is it doubles my nute uptake.

Anyway Gooch is correct. If you are having an issue first thing is dump the res and start over. Start slow and low.

But I still doubt there is an issue. We haven't been given any info to suggest there is a problem yet. The only thing you have described that sounds a bit off is you sound like you have maybe too much humidity in there which slows growth and uptake.

But I am still kind of waiting for the question. But if you really feel there is a problem then I would dump and start a new res cycle.

That is one knee jerk reaction I do support. If running hydro it is always okay to dump the res and start over. I mean when you make the decision to run hydro you are already throwing frugality out the window.
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