Flowering 10 days but plants are dropping like crazy


New Member

hi does anyone have any idea if this is over or under watering. I'm gutted I spent 6-8 weeks veg now since the flip 10 days ago they've stopped growing and looked like shit. This photo was from the other day when it was only 1 plant but now it's all of them:( please help as family coming over at Christmas so if I don't sort these now they're going in the bin! It could be temps because there 33c but my 2 previous grows were fine I'm doing everything the same pretty much. I've only fed 1 watering with bloom when I flipped the lights
any idea? If need anymore info on setup etc I'm using a 600whps. Sensi bloom a + b. Watering every 3-5 days. I've never had dropping this bad. I've had temps at 35c on previous grows and the white widow x big bud blossomed great!
That is severe. Hopefully you will get better responses, but in that situation I think I would immediately flush and start rebuilding the soil again. I tried the sensi a&b. They will be going in the trash. I have never seen anything like that so I really hope someone that has shows up.
Be patient, someone with better info will probably know what to do.
Thanks man I've just been giving plain water since they started showing drooping but the real problem is the time I have. My parents are home at Christmas so I've got about 40 days left til I have to chop. I was hoping for some decent bud but now this has happened I'm really worried as to wether I'll get anything.
not sure what you mean. plain water, since they started "showing"? when i have had my plants, in bloom, and they are down to only say 3 weeks to go, to finish, i give just water, for two waterings. then, i flush the heck out of them. say, thirty gallons worth, for three plants, each in 4 gallon pots. i have a large tub, that i lay two 2 x 3 boads on, to sit the pots on. then, i use an airiator head, on a hose, and run water thru them, until my ppm meter, reads like 250. my water, plain, is like 130 ppm. mostly calcium. when i start, i test the water, flushing, and its usually high, at over 1000 ppm or so. when it gets down to like i said, about 250 ppm, i let the pots finish drippinig into the catch tub, and put em back where they were. at this time of their lives, they dont go thru water, every 4 days, like when they are in mid bloom. but, if they need any water, between the flush, and harvest, i just give them a regular watering, perhaps with a bit of molasses in it. i consider my timeing perfect, if they are close to needing, or needing, a water, on chop day. and, i usually take two or three days to chop and trim. i get tired of trimming. lol. right now, i have four blackberrys, and two gods, that have like ten days left. hope this helps.
when you water them, do it till the pots start leaking out the bottom. then dont water or feed again, till its needed. i been doing this for going on 9 years. and, i still use a cheap moisture meter. the green head one, you can find for like 6. at any gardon shop. many people, just go by the weight of the pot. but dont be giveing a little water here, a little thiere, thinking to keep the girls "toped off". worst thing. biggest newbie mistakes. 1. over feeding. (use half what it says). 2. over/under watering. dont confuse "over watering" with "TOO FREQUENT" WATERING".
Do you guys still think I'm able to get these baby's healthy again and get some decent bud in about 40 days? I felt like I'd learnt everything and it was going so good for my first 2 grows but this third as gone shit. By plain water I mean I was giving veg nutes every 2nd or 3rd watering then when I flipped I gave a feeding of bloom. Since then I've give justi water on every feeding and my ph is usually about 6.8 as been told in soil have it between 6.5-7.0
Don't over think it. Most folks do. I never check ppm. Only ph the water and im very successful. My buddy is a master horticulturist and he never checks ppm.
Ph your water but calibrate the meter often.
Listen to your plants. Try a little superthrive in your watering. If your plant is sick, the vitamin b will help bounce them out of the slump.

Good luck.

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