Florida: Petition Hits 900k Signatures, One Step Closer To Being On 2016 Ballot

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
United for Care has collected 900,000 signatures to put medical marijuana in front of voters in 2016, according to figures released Tuesday.

“It appears we have more signatures than is required,” said Matt Morgan with the Morgan law firm, which has been backing the campaign.

United for Care has a goal of collecting a million signatures, and the group says it will likely hit that mark by the end of the year. Technically, 683,000 is the mark, but organizer collect more than that because the signatures have to be from verified registered voters.

Morgan said it’s been easier getting signatures this time.

“Before we had to identify who our supporters were,” Morgan said. “Now we have an idea who our supporters are because they helped us in the last election cycle.”

Medical marijuana just barely missed getting the 60 percent of the votes needed to pass in 2014 in Florida.

Opponents say the amendment is too broad, and will make marijuana more accessible to kids. Florida has a non-euphoric medical marijuana law on the books, but implementation has been jammed up from lawsuits – including 13 more filed this week.

420 Editor's Note: Sign The Petition HERE


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: One Step Closer To Being On 2016 Ballot
Author: Abe Aboraya
Contact: Contact Page
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: WJCT News
I love seeing that one of my neighboring southern states are fighting the good fight and not just settling for whatever their government decides to give them. You go Florida, make them get it right! We're rooting for ya!
Hammer it home this time, Florida ! I reside here in New York State and we certainly are not progressive for being in the Northeast. We are in a chokehold by Cuomo and until he leaves office, no real progress will be made. Get this issue out of the hands of the politicians and allow the REAL CITIZENS of each state express their wishes through voting ---- NOT THROUGH POLITICIANS AND THE STATE LEGISLATURE.

It's quite clear what states in our Union respect TRUE democracy by allowing the majority to decide how they lead their personal lives. The states that don't allow for ballot initiatives are the states that don't respect you as an individual or as a majority group --- certainly not a healthy or fair way to exist...
Hammer it home this time, Florida ! I reside here in New York State and we certainly are not progressive for being in the Northeast. We are in a chokehold by Cuomo and until he leaves office, no real progress will be made. Get this issue out of the hands of the politicians and allow the REAL CITIZENS of each state express their wishes through voting ---- NOT THROUGH POLITICIANS AND THE STATE LEGISLATURE.

It's quite clear what states in our Union respect TRUE democracy by allowing the majority to decide how they lead their personal lives. The states that don't allow for ballot initiatives are the states that don't respect you as an individual or as a majority group --- certainly not a healthy or fair way to exist...

To a politician "fair" is what you pay to ride the bus, they don't care about morality and civil liberty, all their interested in is lobbyist kick backs and doing what's best for the highest bidder.

They have to know that incarceration of innocent people is totally immoral but when private correctional institution lobbyists keep throwing money at these politicians, they just get tougher on the lowest hanging fruit crimes they can which is us Cannabis users.

There are many big businesses that stand to loose huge prophets if Cannabis and Hemp ever become fully legal in this country and both the federal and most state government politicians in turn stand to loose huge amounts of money and that's why in states like Florida and Georgia and many others, these politicians are trying to find any angle they can to dumb down MMJ and still keep their kick backs. They are intentionally road blocking bills and putting in so many stipulations that they are just watered down versions of what the people keep asking for.

The only way these politicians will ever really start doing what the people want is if every Cannabis user in this country were to make their voices heard and let it be known that we all want this change and we'll keep voting them right out of office until we get someone in there that will give us what we want, from the top to the bottom of government, both at the federal and state levels.
The government has been the People's enemy for almost a century now. Never before the 20th century were people so corralled into living like Big Brother wants them to --- dummied down, decreasing say in how we live, poisoned by the Our Government and Big Pharma, and subdued and controlled by laws that a select few decide that will work for them.

Why would a free democracy persecute, prosecute and strip away the most cherished right we have in our freedom simply because one is using or cultivating a plant that has been proven time and time again to be the safest medical and recreational substance on Earth. What government (and remember --- the government is SUPPOSEDLY us !) would treat human beings, cut from the same cloth that they are, like animals, caging them up simply for living their life without bothering any human or any animal while doing so ???


What is a government (elected by the majority ---- except when the crooked electoral ballot comes into play ---- ehemmm, a backdoor Bush) if it does not act on what the MAJORITY wishes.

We DON'T have a democracy, do we ??????????
Exactly my friend, people mean nothing, money means everything. It's so sad and a very hard pill to swallow knowing that so many sick people just continue suffering and innocent people just go on rotting in prison all because our politicians won't allow a harmless plant to become legal.

The one thing that gets to me the most is that so few people or "sheeple" if you will? Will actually stand up and fight against this oppression and tyranny that plagues our society.

In theory we do have the enough people to make these changes due to the sheer number of closet Cannabis users out there but the majority of them just want to sit back and hide in the shadows and let the few of us that will, go out and fight their battles for them and secretly hope for change without actually lifting a finger to help us or themselves.

Personally, I don't give it a second thought about bringing up the subject of Cannabis legalization out in public anymore, I'll be standing in line at the store and just start talking about it to someone standing in line with me who just looks like they might smoke and pretty much every time they do and they just love talking about it too and sometimes we'll get several other people joining in on the conversation with us, all because I brought it up without being shy about it. I wish everyone would do that.

That should be a homework assignment for everyone here, to go out and find a complete stranger to bring up the subject of Cannabis and just start talking about Cannabis legalization with them, I think you'll find that most if not all of them are very interested to have that conversation but if and when you do that, make sure to invite them here to 420 Magazine so they can get involve in the movement with us. They need educating in most cases so they too can learn to spread the word and have the knowledge to spread it correctly.

The whole point of doing this is to get people out of the shadows and get them involved in helping the cause and grow our numbers so we can overwhelm our politicians with letters and petition signatures. We all need to do our part if we want real change.
I completely agree with you guys that government and the people that control our government are strictly greed orientated and until they figure out how to get the lions share of any money to be had from legalizing MJ they will block it. But instead of worrying about who's pocket will get lined by the legalization of MJ our 1st and most important concern at this phase of the game needs to be the legalization and nothing more. Millions of peoples lives are being destroyed by the laws that are currently in effect and until those laws are changed, another American will have their lives ruined every 42 seconds. This is totally un-exceptable. Millions of people who want to medicate with MJ are being told no and if you do you could go to jail, THIS IS UN-EXCEPTABLE. Do I want them to make profits from MJ once they legalize it? NO! But I would let them have all the profits if they would just legalize it so we could stop destroying innocent peoples lives. No amount of money is worth locking an innocent person up and destroying their life. No amount of money is worth preventing a person from being able to medicate with MJ to either prevent pain and suffering or even worse death. This needs to happen and it needs to happen NOW. We need to send a strong message to Washington DC that we will not stand for this anymore. Until each state stands up and makes its voice heard loud and clear, they will not take us serious. That is why it is so important that each and every state speak now and speak loudly. Let your congressman and representatives know, either get it done now or say good-bye to that cushy job because we as a people are mad as hell and we will not take it anymore.
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