Five Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Eye Needham

The General

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Massachusetts - Five medical marijuana dispensaries are seeking town approval for a license in Needham but the Board of Selectmen remain hesitant to support or oppose any marijuana dispensaries. The town has received informal applications from the following businesses to locate a medical marijuana dispensary in Needham: Bio Care Collaborative, Inc., or Bio-Care, headed by CEO John Madigan; Massachusetts Military Veterans Assistance Group Incorporated, to operate under the name Botanica Dispensary; New England Wellspring, Inc., headed by Dr. Stefanie Lipton and nurse Jennifer Davies; LB Compassion Center, headed by CEO and Needham resident Bruce Berger; and G2 New England, headed by CEO Frank Loulourgas.

Selectmen are taking cautious approach to the matter. The town has a Nov. 21 deadline to submit letters of support or "non-opposition" for each of the dispensaries that have requested a letter. A letter of non-opposition, an optional part of the application would not endorse an applicant, but show that the town sees no immediate problem with the proposed dispensary. At a Nov. 12 meeting, Board of Selectman Chairman Dan Matthews said he was worried about the message even a letter of non-opposition might send to the community.

"No opposition might be construed as an expression of indifference. We very much care about this issue," he said. Instead, Selectmen voted to advise Town Manager Kate Fitzpatrick in drafting a letter saying that the town is taking no action on the matter, and include a list of recommendations for a potential dispensary in Needham. The same letter would be sent out to the five dispensaries in lieu of a letter of non-opposition. It would recommend that any medical marijuana dispensary coming into Needham demonstrate a familiarity with the community, have some experience with the medical profession and limit the traffic generated at the location.

Selectmen would also like delivery drivers not to be armed, a recommendation that came from the Needham Police Department. Matthews said he wanted to leave out a recommendation that dispensaries contribute to local wellness and drug abuse prevention programs. "I want to stay at arm's length of these operators," he said. "I don't want a marijuana business to cause a problem. But to come here and solve our problems, that's not something they need to do."

The potential dispensaries sent the town information on their strategies and visions for a medical marijuana center. G2 New England describes itself as a center with a "100% organic and environmentally friendly approach to large scale plant growth with a minimal carbon footprint." LB Compassion center envisions "a cross between a tightly-regulated pharmaceutical operation, with a warm and inviting space where patients can access a host of resources to help their particular condition." Selectman Marianne Cooley said she wanted to emphasize that the five firms have not been individually considered. Needham has a moratorium for dispensaries in place until March 1, 2014. The state is expected to make its final selections around January 2014. Under the law, no more than 35 dispensaries can be established initially, with a maximum of five in each county, and at least one in each of those counties.


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Author: Wei-Huan Chen
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Website: Five medical marijuana dispensaries eye Needham - Needham, Massachusetts - Needham Times
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