First Timer, Outdoor Greenhouse, starting to get worried about incoming temp drop...


420 Member
Good Evening All

Im a first time grower of Cannabis, but not an amateur gardener. I popped a couple of random bag seeds in spring and grew on the Autos in my greenhouse.

It's a proper glass greenhouse, with planting directly into the ground. Im in the South West UK.

I've basically just thrown them in between my Cucumbers and Tomatoes, and treated them mostly the same.

Im an organic gardener, so I've fed with seaweed extract, worm casts and Rain water. Ive played with a bit of LST and trained one round into a spiral stem and the other I left to do its thing basically.

ive had issues with caterpillars, but not loads of them, one or two specific moth caterpillars. I simply hand picked and moved them to some honeysuckle outside. I confess to not keeping any record of dates, or days in flower, because well, im not great at that stuff and this was kinda for funsies, but ive really enjoyed watching the plant mature and I think id like to do it again.

That said, im at the final stages, and im getting itchy feet now. We have a front of unseasonably warm and wet weather this week, but with a drop overnight to 8c at the end of the week which makes me nervous.

id be gutted to muck this up now, and im thinking I may need to stagger the harvest anyway.

so without further ado, here's some photos. You can see the LST plant is starting to show some lovely purple colours, most of the pistils are brown, but there's a bit of foxtailing, and very frosty buds I think. They're heavy and starting to droop. I think I can just see amber showing?

the standard shape plant has much tighter packed buds, and kinda lower levels of brown pistils and milky trichomes.

I feel like this is the crucial week and I don't wanna mess it up! appreciate anyones input :)







Without a way to lower the humidity, I'd prbably chop them a bit early to avoid the risk of blight/mould etc or you could lose the lot
It's not going to be any drier or less humid this week so ride it as long as you dare
Without a way to lower the humidity, I'd prbably chop them a bit early to avoid the risk of blight/mould etc or you could lose the lot
It's not going to be any drier or less humid this week so ride it as long as you dare
all ive got is the auto vents on the greenhouse, and manually opening the door each morning.

im so annoyed its gotten so wet again!
Hey HG!

Welcome to 420, glad you stopped by for some answers! Think you are golden either way the temperature swings. The first plant is showing that her hair or pistils (stigmas) have turned color & crinkled in.

It’s harder for me to see on the second plant but think I see just a few light colored pistils up top. Looks to be mostly done… but could hang out for another week or two as well

I used to worry about correct trich colors too but basically if you see tons of fresh white or yellow fluffy pistils then the plant is still growing, no need to scope trichs, if there’s only a few white pistils scattered about then typically the plant is foxtailing or stalling waiting for pollen. But also know that bud swell doesn’t really begin until pistils have turned color and receded..,

I’d say the first plant can hang on for a bit longer or it could be chopped anytime or this plant can be staggered harvest… yup that’s a broad answer but regardless of precise trich color right now she’s in the harvest window so it’s growers choice

the second plant looks mostly done but might help to have few better close up pics too.

If you are concerned about outdoors temps & rh then you can dig them up and let them ripen on the vine indoors too. Yup it will shock the plant but it’s doable and should give a few more days of time.

Looks great, hope this helps…

don’t jump just yet either let’s get a few more replies in here for you!

Maybe toss a big fan out there to keep air moving…
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