First timer needs help


New Member
as the title say im a first time grower have 2 female plants they are around 3.5 months
i had N burn a month ago that i managed to solve on my own but now something else appeared that i havent seen before ill post picutes i hope someone can locate the problem

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i will post more pictures or even video if someone is ready to help
It looks like nute burn but if it was it would be all over the plants and not just in a few older fan leaves.

If anything it looks like a sulfur deficiency with the yellowing coming in from the edges rather than uniformly all over the leaves like N of Mg deficiencies. With low S the newer growth will be affected as well and yellowing.

Add a tbsp/gal of epsom salts, (magnesium sulphate), to their next watering. Make sure not to pour the water close to the main stem as most of the feeder roots will be a good foot or more out with plants that size.

Also could be N and Mg as both are mobile nutes that the new growth will steal from the oldest leaves first. The epsom salts will take care of the Mg but you'll need something with a good N source for that.

More info like soil type, nutrients etc would be helpful when asking for help. And a couple of pics to go along with a video that doesn't seem to have a pause button so a guy can just look closely at the leaf before it wobbles away.

I was using 30-10-10 and i burned them abit you can see it by the burned tips but that was more then 1m ago since then the plant recovered and now this is something difeent that developed in the last 10 days im not sure what kind of soil i used
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