First time trying edibles


New Member
I picked up a brownie and a molasses cookie at my co-op yesterday - have never tried medibles before.

Verdict: WIN!!

Ate 1/4 of the cookie at 9:30 last night, started to feel it at 10:15, took a nice hot bath and fell into bed by 11. Took no time at all to fall asleep - my body just melted into bed and I had ZERO "high" from it - just pure relaxation. Slept straight through to 5:30 when the cats started bouncing on the bed, but fell right back to sleep after advising them that wasn't appropriate behavior quite so early.

My back and neck feel GREAT this AM. I am one happy camper!
Just have to say that edibles are doing for me what 880 mg of Naproxen a day couldn't begin to do! The tingly, achey pain in my back is the least troublesome it's been in years. And I have completely stopped taking Naproxen - don't need it.

The brownie recipe uses 1/4 c oil and makes 16 2" brownies, each of which will probably make 4 servings. So that pan translates into probably 2 months of sound sleep, and the whole pint jar of oil into 16 month's worth. $60 for the oz of shake was money well spent.
Hey! Psst! 420 Kitchen
One of my favorite sections of the site!

I used my last trim to infuse whipping cream... Pot latte :)
One thing I dont know if its in the kitchen.. But you might want to decarb..
Also, soy lechtin is supposed to help it kick in faster..
Hey! Psst! 420 Kitchen
One of my favorite sections of the site!

I used my last trim to infuse whipping cream... Pot latte :)
One thing I dont know if its in the kitchen.. But you might want to decarb..
Also, soy lechtin is supposed to help it kick in faster..

Sigh.......had a quarter of a brownie last night, waited an hour, felt nothing, had another quarter, still felt nothing, went to bed, had some trouble sleeping. Obviously the oil is too weak. Live and learn. Tonight I'll have a whole brownie I suppose, since they don't seem to have any THC in them, lol.

There is a brownie recipe over in the recipes/edibles forum that has 1/2 oz in 2/3 c oil, which is stronger than mine.

Can I add the soy lecithin to the oil after I have made it??
Not trying to hijack the thread but how did infusing whipping cream work out?
It worked very well. I put the pot in the pot :) then the cream and a little water... The water will evaporate off while cooking. I get it to boil, and bring it down (stirring most of the time)... I bring it up to a boil a few more times. I'm lazy so half a day of cooking it or whatever is just unacceptable! Infusing the cream takes ~ half an hour... After, strain out the buds or trim... Voilà!

Sigh.......had a quarter of a brownie last night, waited an hour, felt nothing, had another quarter, still felt nothing, went to bed, had some trouble sleeping. Obviously the oil is too weak. Live and learn. Tonight I'll have a whole brownie I suppose, since they don't seem to have any THC in them, lol.

There is a brownie recipe over in the recipes/edibles forum that has 1/2 oz in 2/3 c oil, which is stronger than mine.

Can I add the soy lecithin to the oil after I have made it??

I think you add the soy lecithin to the recipe... I am not sure of the quantity you should use.. Sorry!

You used an ounce of shake... For ~16 ounces of oil? ... Hm... Thats like... almost three cups (i think)...
Your pretty close to the ratio in the recipe you found... But it being shake and not trim, your oil should be good.. Then again, my first few attempts bombed really hard. It takes a while to get used to cooking with cannabis. Like growing, you gotta get your hands dirty and do it to become comfortable with the process. Maybe try smaller batch recipes... If you like peanut butter, you can cook cannabis into it. Peanut butter chocolate pot shakes!... I've got crohn's disease, so liquids are easier to put down than foods.

A gram into a single edible will give most people a good long lasting medical effect. I never really found them to be "devastating"... But some of my friends can barely move or walk after one. ;)
It worked very well. I put the pot in the pot :) then the cream and a little water... The water will evaporate off while cooking. I get it to boil, and bring it down (stirring most of the time)... I bring it up to a boil a few more times. I'm lazy so half a day of cooking it or whatever is just unacceptable! Infusing the cream takes ~ half an hour... After, strain out the buds or trim... Voilà!

I think you add the soy lecithin to the recipe... I am not sure of the quantity you should use.. Sorry!

You used an ounce of shake... For ~16 ounces of oil? ... Hm... Thats like... almost three cups (i think)...
Your pretty close to the ratio in the recipe you found... But it being shake and not trim, your oil should be good.. Then again, my first few attempts bombed really hard. It takes a while to get used to cooking with cannabis. Like growing, you gotta get your hands dirty and do it to become comfortable with the process. Maybe try smaller batch recipes... If you like peanut butter, you can cook cannabis into it. Peanut butter chocolate pot shakes!... I've got crohn's disease, so liquids are easier to put down than foods.

A gram into a single edible will give most people a good long lasting medical effect. I never really found them to be "devastating"... But some of my friends can barely move or walk after one. ;)

If you have Crohn's you should be sure to try treatment with porcine roundworms or whipworms (if you can get it), which has had great results experimentally. Serious! Gives your immune system a REAL enemy to attack (but it's only temporary).
If you have Crohn's you should be sure to try treatment with porcine roundworms or whipworms (if you can get it), which has had great results experimentally. Serious! Gives your immune system a REAL enemy to attack (but it's only temporary).

I've read into the helminth treatments... They seem to have pretty good success. They aren't doing that in my state, and if I were to ingest parasites.. I want it very controlled and from a lab. Then again, I'm not actively looking for treatments right now... I've found something that works :) I've tried LDN therapy also, which also has decent success rates (along with being extremely benign). Unfortunately, it did not match the success I've had with cannabis. Probably a lot cheaper than some of the other med's if you don't have insurance... I think 6-mp without is ~$300 a month... Or at least thats what my doctor said about nine or ten years ago.

I take a good probiotics and eat healthy... Plus the cannabis really helps. Especially when I have accidental exposure to problem foods.
Did you make anything else with the oil? Seems like a mix that uses more would give a better result, if that doesn't do it, next time you infuse butter use less oil, more leaf.
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