First time posting - Long time reader

Small Batch

New Member
First of all, hello to all of you out there, this is indeed a community that cares for each other's success, and that is awesome!

I have been a medical meds patient for 3 years at which point, I started growing my own for the first time ... once I was legal.

I only grow for myself, so a little goes a long way...

I have had some issues with pests, such as fungus gnats, coming from new soil, from just about every manufacturer out there....soil is soil, and gnats like it. To control them I have used a 5/1 solution of water/Peroxide each time I transplant to a new soil, which has helped....

I Have slowly evolved from a complete novice of the subject, to feeling very confident in identifying nutrient issues, as well as the art of cloning etc....and it's become one of the most interesting experiences.

I currently have an issue with spider mites, I got it as a prize from a clone that I picked up from a friend (Can you say "Never again?")

I thought at first it was a mag deficiency....but the cob webbies don't lie....luckily again, I only have a small number of small plants to deal with, and only one flowering (2 weeks to finish), and there is nothing on it......I pulled it and sprayed it down with some soapy/ non-phosphate dish soap underside and then all over every inch of it, then rinsed it thoroughly the next morning....Going to do it again in 2 days...hopefully my buds will stay free of webs....

The vegging plants have all gotten the same treatment, except, I've added a pest strip to each box, and leave it for a week to get rid of them completely... and obviously flush the plants as soon as I remove the strips.

Hopefully the problem will be resolved...I am so grateful for all the info

It's all come from good folks like yourselves, thank you.

I look forward to returning the favor, if I can.
Welcome Small Batch to the 420 Community :byebye: glad to hear you have chosen to become an active member :thumb:

As Shiggityflip mentioned you really should start a grow journal. It is a great way to be active in the community. You will get great advice and tips, but you may also be helping a new grower out by sharing your own personally knowledge. It is a win win situation. One of the best reasons I have found for having a journal is the friendships I have been able to develop with some of the members. For me, that alone has been reason enough.

Growing legal is always the best way to grow if that is an option. I live in Oregon, and once my state went legal that was the reason I took growing MJ back up.

Looking forward to our paths crossing here at 420
Heya,, welcome to the library,, seek,, anything pot related, and ye shall toke,:Namaste:
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