First Time Hydroponic Grow Indoor Drip Method


New Member
Good Morning/Afternoon All....This is my first post on here...I'm just finishing up my 2 grow rooms. I have an 9x5 room and an 8x4 room. The big farm and little farm as they have come to be known in my house. Both rooms are set up with 2 mh/hps 1000w switchable ballasts each which are in air cooled tubes with 6" in-line exhaust fans. I used 4mm Panda plastic for the walls. I'm doing the duct work today and hopefully will have my first set of Fresian Dew and Williams Wonder clones started in about 7 days. I am using all Fox Farm Nutes and each reservoir is a 30 gallon bin with 6 4" net pots. I am using a 600 gph submersible pump with 1/2" drip manifolds running nutes to each plant. I'm gonig to take some photos now but I just wanted to get some feedback on my setup if possible. Also I am running a 50 quart/hour dehumid. and a 10,000 btu a/c.
Good Advice farmer, The lights are as far up as they can go however the tables legs are adjustable and are now at the max of 36" tall. I can lower the tables to as little as 14" off the floor if I had to.
thats a sweet setup man!! :thumb: the height looks like it might be an issue. what do you have for height from the light to the cover of the tubs? might have to get shorter stands.
Thanks Guys...I'll upload a few more pics in a couple of days. I have an electrician coming tomorrow to give me some power and then I'll be 100% functional
awesome set up man im in for this one
Hey all...just an update for now...My electrician came last night and ran all the wires and installed 20 plugs in each room for the water and air pumps, fans, dehumid.'s, and a/c's. Also got the light ballasts wired to a 220v heavy duty timer...he's coming back tonight to tie everything into the breaker box and add 12 new breakers. I also had him put in a ceiling light fixture so I can have a green light in there for the flowering stage, I guess a green light helps them sleep when the lights are off. I'm going to my local hydro store to purchase all the nutrients now. I will be using the complete line of Fox Farm Nutes. I'll post some pictures of the progress when I return.
nice set up! as long as you plan on doing a sea of green type grow, this is due to how close your netty pots are placed. this means shorter veg times and higher plant numbers, if you veg for to long plants will become crowded very quickly. but you might already know this. haha, either way, nice setup! cant wait to see what it produces =)
thanks prep...From all the info I've read, I still can't seem to grasp the idea of what SOG is exactly. My net pots are 4" and they are 8" from center away from each other. In the SOG method, what are the time frames like for veg and flower? I just bought every Fox Farm nutrient and planned on following their hydro feeding chart which won't work if it's a shorter veg cycle right? Any info would help...Also, I have 24 Williams Wonder clones and 12 AK-48 clones if that matters at all.
thanks prep...From all the info I've read, I still can't seem to grasp the idea of what SOG is exactly. My net pots are 4" and they are 8" from center away from each other. In the SOG method, what are the time frames like for veg and flower? I just bought every Fox Farm nutrient and planned on following their hydro feeding chart which won't work if it's a shorter veg cycle right? Any info would help...Also, I have 24 Williams Wonder clones and 12 AK-48 clones if that matters at all.

The concept of SOG is simply to pack a bunch of smaller plants into the same space you'd normally only have a few larger plants. To do this, you go with a VERY short veg cycle, if you veg at all. When 12/12 is triggered so early in the plants growth, it thinks winter is coming soon and goes into a mad growth spurt to try to mature in time to propogate before it dies, so it will grow as a single main cola.

The main cola is where the bulk of the buds, and typically the best buds, are located. So, with a SOG, rather than harvesting a few main colas and a bunch of secondary colas, you're growing a bunch of smaller, single cola plants, and harvesting all main colas.

As far as I can tell, you can get maximum yield in ANY given space going with a SOG, but there may be legal considerations due to plant numbers.

How soon you switch to 12/12 in the veg cycle can vary, and some don't veg at all. For some good info, checkout 420fied's two SOG journals.

Here's his first SOG journal and the next is the BPN SOG in his sig.

And, here's what a SOG plant looks like (from my SOG which will only have 24 plants in a 2'x4' tent but a lot more could fit in that space!):


I hope this helps!
Thank you Mr. Krip. I appreciate the explanation and now understand SOG. It is tempting but i'm still goign to be within my states legal limit. I'm going to finish the big farm today and then I'll post some pics.
OK...So I've done away with the tables all together and now have 4 different strains in the room. All the clippings went in last night and they are Snow White/AK47, Sour Kush, Williams Wonder, and Fresian Dew. I have been having some trouble with humidity but all is good now. Temp is 82 degrees and the humidity is up to 67% which I can deal with. I'll post some pics in an hour or so, just wanted to let everyone know the clippings have arrived.
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