First time grower - Need help


420 Member
This is my first time attempting to grow psychedelic mushrooms and I just a little lost. I bought a C.A.S kit from a store nearby and they had me pick it up, around the time it was at the end of the cultivating stage. It still took about a week before I started seeing pins but within 24 hours of seeing pins pop up, they were huge! That's about where we are now. The directions I was given tells me to fan them 3 times a day for 30 seconds while also spraying the tub like lid with water to maintain humidity. I've been doing all of this. A couple things I've noticed that just didn't seem to "right" is that a couple of them are just massive. Are they going to outgrow this kit I was given? I also noticed that a couple of the bugger ones are resting against the side of the tub like lid. I may even see some coloring where they are resting. Is this ok? If not how can I fix it? Last thing I thought I could ask is, when exactly do I know when to cut them? I've watched some videos on it but all the videos I see is to wait until the gills are exposed... but I see the gills on all the larger ones, yet I don't necessarily think they are ready.








Nice flush! The first and last one?
the coloring is just bruising so don't worry. If you see blue then its ok 😁
The small pins turned dark blue are called "aborts" and they are edible. The potency of those aborts is high.
Really nice kit! I use to cut in half the big ones and dry them in the dehumidifier.
If u like mushrooms, and high yields you should start your owns from spores. 😅
Do you still have the kit? The contamination hit it?
I am certain that that kit is done flushing by now. Anyhow those are albino penis envy and all penis envy variiaties grow kind of mutated as it is a mutant strain and its hard to get a spore print from them as most of the time they do not produce any and second the cap is always small. so when to pick them, I have never grown penis envy but in regards to Picking I pick right before the veil breaks as that is the best quality and you never have to deal with your substrate getting covered with spores.
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