First time grower need help


New Member
Hey all so am new to growing anyway bit of a weird situation that id like help with my leaves are growing twisted the plant is 6 weeks 3 days old growing in canna terra professional outdoors so judging by the pics i have 2 questions
1.due to the fact it seems to be growing sideways can i just get a stake and will that help it grow upright?

2.what is causing the twisted leaves and how to stop it from happening ??
Here are pics any advice and help apprrciated


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Hey mate is that in a little green house maybe bit a heat stress not sure new grower myself
Ye its a 2 tier small greenhouse it was outdoors oroginally just on ground then got a infestation of aphids so i used a eco oil and pyrethrum insecticide to get rid of them then figured theyd be less likely to get reinfested if i put them in something so got a mini greenhouse was in shade only jusylt put out into full sunlight in greenhouse for 1st time with zip undone to let fresh air in and to expel any hot air that would be in there
When did ya put in Sun, maybe give it a couple of days probly leaning over looking for Sun from being in shade and now in full sun part time its probly adjusting to abita extra heat is it from seed or clone n.a. way I'm having a moment with my grow and new to forum don't no were to post but yeah
Gday all, Im having a frustrating moment with my grow and the lack of
Due to drooping, just repotted into a 4 gal pot couple day ago
plant is a hybrid indica dominant from msnl mix pack
Trying to narrow down my problem I'm growing in coco soil mix in small tent
Maxsisun 300w led dimmable, which is on 100% veg about 60% bloom at 24" away
my watering schedule hasn't change from previous which is
Around 250, 300ml every second third day alternating
All though plant looks as if it's over watered yesterday I put outside and perked
Right up brought back to tent and is now droopy either temps or light is the guess
Temps are fluctuating between 25 c and 28 c humidity 35 to 50 i have air con for room
So intake could be sucking colder air which is blowing on and around pot and dirt level
Any way those are my problems lol
When did ya put in Sun, maybe give it a couple of days probly leaning over looking for Sun from being in shade and now in full sun part time its probly adjusting to abita extra heat is it from seed or clone n.a. way I'm having a moment with my grow and new to forum don't no were to post but yeah
Gday all, Im having a frustrating moment with my grow and the lack of
Due to drooping, just repotted into a 4 gal pot couple day ago
plant is a hybrid indica dominant from msnl mix pack
Trying to narrow down my problem I'm growing in coco soil mix in small tent
Maxsisun 300w led dimmable, which is on 100% veg about 60% bloom at 24" away
my watering schedule hasn't change from previous which is
Around 250, 300ml every second third day alternating
All though plant looks as if it's over watered yesterday I put outside and perked
Right up brought back to tent and is now droopy either temps or light is the guess
Temps are fluctuating between 25 c and 28 c humidity 35 to 50 i have air con for room
So intake could be sucking colder air which is blowing on and around pot and dirt level
Any way those are my problems lol
Nah man because before that it was in sun allday i doubt it have to be reclimatised after 1 day anyway Ye man def post in this section uptop on main page should be a new thread link ull.see it as far as your plant man give it abit of superthrive will help with the transplant shock also only water when the soil is dry if u can stick your finger in soil and its still wet up to first knuckle it doesnt need water also u can buy a soil/water probe at a hardware store that will till u when soil is wet dry how much moisture is in soip etc there about $10 here but have seen them cheaper on ebay then just stick that probe in soil and water accordingly forgot to add its from seed
Yeah no worries bud cheers just looked at my outdoor it too is leaning but no twisted growth its not a bit of damage from the bug problem
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