First time grower - Male or Female?


420 Member
Hello. First time grower here. I flipped to flower 8 days ago and I’ve been obsessively checking the plants to show signs of male or female. So far there hasn’t been many signs but today I noticed what I first thought looked like pollen sacks but then I saw what I thought might be a white hair coming out of the top. I tried to get the best pic I could. Does anyone have anymore insight on if it’s maybe the signs of a male or female? I initially thought male but now I’m not sure.

A bit too early to be sure, the pics are not very clear. If t's a white "hair" coming out of the green structure in the circles then I'd say female, but truly, it's a bit too early to tell. Clearer pics might help.
Here’s a better one I just found on another branch. Didn’t see it this morning. Looks to me like some white hairs but I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for.

Here’s a better one I just found on another branch. Didn’t see it this morning. Looks to me like some white hairs but I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for.

Those look like hairs to me.
That’s female. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

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