FIrst time grower, Autoflower Cotton Candy Kush, nitrogen problems?


420 Member
So my beautiful girl is going on 7 weeks and popping pistols like crazy..A few days ago i noticed that while her tops are healthy and green, she's starting to get that claw like look in her lower leaves. She's sitting in a 6 gallon pot with extra drainage holes..Her soil is a combination of regular potting soil, bat guano, and worm casings. I have never added anything to her and she's stayed healthy til now as she gets ready to flower...her ph level just a few minutes ago tested at 7-7.5 between this morning and now. I use reverse osmosis water that sits out at night just to be safe...and even after doing all that right (i thought) i see shes getting that look of N burn? My question is, is it safe to flush her now to avoid the excess N getting to the coming flowers..or do i just wait and see?
she has several grow lights all to herself, i just have under one while i move things to make room for the grow tent we're building..I think they are the 75 watt LED grow lights..shes got three of them but ive only had her under two that are overtop of her.
What do you use for lighting?
she's been so amazing and healthy til just now :( This is one of the three that hang above her..i had a makeshift mylar "tent" that she has been in since she was a was an old cheap three teir greenhouse that i wrapped up in mylar and put in the fan and humidifier with the lights hanging down from above..but we're putting together a pvc frame version now... She only started looking claw like the last few days
Def not a nitro def. problem. When the leaves start to cup under the way those are its generally a sign of potassium def. with worse sx to come. What are you feeding npk? and other stuff? The plant is getting bigger so it will require more potassium esp. in the bloom phase. Several things deplete potassium. Nitrogen, Magnesium & calcium all do. And your plants are bordering on deep green so it could be a slight nitro overload driving the K down. Keep in mind too much K will deplete N, Ca & Mag. Potassium is most available in ph ranges of 6.5-7.5 so you want to see runoff ph in that area for soil.
When the leaves start to cup under the way those are its generally a sign of potassium def.

Hiya! This is probably what is happening. Your initial mix appears to contain abundant N (worm castings and bat guano (high N or high P - there are different sources). But not much potassium (K).
If it’s available to you locally (or online), a silica supplement, like Dyna-Gro ProteKt or General Hydroponics Armor Si, will boost your potassium levels, and give you the benefits of silica (stronger stems, more resilience to heat and low humidity stress, and better resistance to chewing/sucking pests.

My indoor garden 400W Veg, 600W Flower. If you’re growing auto flower & using Fox Farm products, keep in mind that these products are designed for regular weed growth supplements & are way to strong for Auto Flower. What ever your feeding schedule says on your container cut it in half
Good luck ✌️
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