First Time Grow - Headband & Blue Dream


Active Member
Hello, First time ever growing and trying Headband and Bluedream so it looks like the guy at the hydro shop sold me Giagreen Living soil and I planted straight into it. I went back and bought some soil from the next guy and told him I planted straight into that and he caught me up to speed real quick. I also have 550ppm tap water with a 7.6+ PH which I have been adjusting to 6ish.

I used Medione and the W8 a few feedings until I realized that this soil was jammed packed already. I'm so new at this I thought I would flush with tap water which took my ppm runoff from 1800 to like 3300.

So now I'm pretty panicked thinking that I need to get some RO water and flush these guys down? Also these plants used to point up have not seen that in awhile, do they have nutrient lockout? I have cut 2 leaves off a headband and attached it with some other pictures any feedback is appreciated!

I have since transplanted and mixed with sunshine mix instead of using all giagreen.

I have hard topped 3 bluedream and 1 headband these I was just trying to top :( 1 headband I tried to fim.

I also put 3 Bluedream into scrog I think the middle one is a male but not sure because I'm a noob still. Only the tall headband is showing signs of female it will go into a scrog after a few days I just transplanted her into a 10 gallon root pouch. I thought 2 of the 3 blue dreams are female.

5x5x7.9 Gorilla Grow
Lightspeed 600w dimmable ballast
600w Hortilux HPS
1 small outtake clip fan venting out
1 osc fan for canopy with passive intake

will be purchasing Airbox 2 with 6" Stealth fan and The Speedster Heavy Duty Speed Control in the next week or so. Another question is I have an old 3' disconnected central vac line that leads outside. Can I vent my 6' outtake into a 3' and still move enough air to keep the tent cool? I plan on switching to flower in a week or so once the net fills out.

Not sure if this is nute burn or lockout.

Day 35 Veg

Day 41 Veg

Day 41 Veg
Re: First time grow - Headband and Bluedream

Sorry I was up all night!

Strain - Bluedream & Headband
# of Plants - 3 Blue dream not sure on sex and 2 headband 1 female for sure
Grow Type - living Soil for first 4 weeks but I probably killed the goodness and then transplanted with sunshine mix
Grow Stage - Vegetative
Bucket Size - 5 Gallon
Lights - 600w dimmable hortilux HPS running at 400
Nutrients - Medi-one
Medium - Giagreen living soil then transplanted with sunshine mix soil
PPM-probably 1600ish for 3 and then I would assume 2 are around 3300 but not sure how accurate that is with living soil?
PH-the 3300 was like 6.5ish I will test the ones I have not added nutes today
RH-40-46% to 53%
Room Temp - 27(80) and 20(68)
Pests - None Known
Re: First time grow - Headband and Bluedream

Welcome to :420: Vape. Grow looks good. You might want to get a Moderator to move this to the grow journal section so the Best Farmers in the world can assist you with all their secrets and knowledge. Thanks again for joining.
Re: First time grow - Headband and Bluedream

Update on the progress got a phresh filter and a 6' vortex fan. Just using passive intake. I think my lights have been too close I was trying with 600W at 18'. The middle grew out pretty fast but lite green so thinking this might be zinc deficiency? . I have moved the lights up about 6' more and moved it to the middle of the tent. The past few weeks I have been using RO water I will switch back to PH tap water next feeding and do a runoff test suspect I'm at 7+. Would like these things to be in good shape before flipping any suggestions would help!

Day 43 middle scrog:


Day 53 Window:


Day 54 Left scrog


Day 52 right scrog


Day 52 middle scrog


Nute burn?


Light green lower leaf

same here she looks good to me! maybe slight deficiancy. but nothing that can't be fixed. some leafs just turn yellow and die as well but overall the girls look more than good enough to flower. with your canipy being so thick you may have to do some lolypoping as flower stretch kicks in to thin the canipy.

anyway looking good!
Welcome vapeape! From what I can see they look plenty good enough to flip. You mentioned not sure of the sex on some? Be careful with the scrog then! If you find out weeks later that one is male you're going to be hard pressed to separate and get him out with a scrog going. Otherwise you look prepared and well on your way to a successful grow! Remember to stick to the basics!!!!! Lights, watering, PH, RH, Temps, Airflow, and DON"T over feed! Less is more in this case. Check out other journals to learn. I have one going and I have had some problems this time around. Jump on board and just read and you will learn from others as they progress... Somewhere down the road we all end up with the same issues with different ways to solve them. Happy Growing!
Ya know all in all not that bad really. Looking good for a first grow. You clearly did some research.

So watering at 6.0 is too low and will cause the Calcium Def. Soil is pretty robust to pH but eventually the water wins. Try closer to 6.5 that will clean up a lot of issues you are showing.

Bad leaves for most problems don't recover. They grow once and that is what they are. So yo need to monitor new growth to see what is going on.

Fix the pH and give it 3 or 4 waterings and we should see good improvement.

Do you know about watering heavy and infrequently? 10% - 15% run off that is removed from the drip tray not left to be stagnant. Don't water again until you see signs of lack of water. You should see in pots that size that when growing good you can get away with watering about once a week depending on the soil blend you ended up with.

Since you are not far off on the pH you may see good response after just 1 watering if you water it good to get the run off and remove it. I would put like 2x4s under those pots so the drip goes into the tray below away from the pots. but maybe do that next time when you can adjust the scrog.

Thanks guys now to get to work on adjusting that PH to 6.5. I am trying to figure watering out have just been using the finger in the pot method. How much water should I be feeding these guys in these geopots and how frequent? These plants were in 1.3.g grower elite pots before the moved over and were planted direct into gia green living soil which is supposed to be mixed with sunshine mix so I am just happy they were not nutrient burnt. Once transplanted to 5g geopots I used sunshine mix for the rest.

I do have 2x4 setup under where the litter box is sitting and a hole and they are angled a bit to catch run off in that drip pan below. Now if I only had space in this tent for a Black Krim I would be laughing!

I am defiantly trying to get watering down early on I think I over watering and saw some nats but laid off the watering and raked the top later of soil and added some 1 watering of VP and I did not see them anymore.

Also what other strains would you suggest if these 2 are my favorites? I love purple kush and recently tried Cherry pie and really liked it.
If you think you saw gnats put a 1 inch layer of Vermiculite on the top of the soil. That will stop them. What happens is they land on the soil and burro in to lay eggs. Those larvae permanently destroy roots and cause all sorts of problems. If they land on Vermiculite and can't find soil they fly away. After 1 generation they are gone. They live 1.5 weeks. So 1.5 weeks after you should see them go away.

Close all open soil bags. They will find places to lay eggs. Clean up and you should be good to go. Don't wait until there is a problem.

There are other more expensive and tiresome methods. Vermiculite is supper cheap and works. I always have a bag handy when doing soil for this purpose.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hey all busy these days and tired when not looking after the rig. Got some terpinator added it and saw some crazy crystals like 2 days later. Let me know what you think. Oh the plant in the middle of my scrog that was light green turned out to be a male. I need to get some shoreline seeds now cause I hear its da bomb!

Hello again final tuck day 4 of flower:

Day 21 Flower Headband:

Day 21 Flower BlueDream:

Bluedream does this look normal?

Looks like I need to do some pruning?

Finally Buds:

More buds:
Few questions I have a slight hole in this scrog now after pulling out the male from the middle out. Will these smaller buds grow up?


This is under the scrog I still have not cleaned up and thinking I should have like yesterday. Do I just prune those little buds leaving like a half inch?


Day 24 Flower Blue dream:

Should I throw some stakes in this untouched headband with a giant tomato cage?


Top of tent sure hope this fan does not fall!

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so question 1: yes they will grow but maybe not fill in totally. They will be about that far behind the rest of the grow.

2: Clean up under the SCROG is really important as it is really a big part of why you scrog. Taking off Fan leaves wont help anything and may actually slow growth for a few reasons. Let them yellow and be reabsorbed. When they are ready to come of they will easily by hand. Any of the flower sites that are not getting through to the canopy will be wasted "popcorn" buds. The energy and nutes used to build them are not going to the flowers above that are getting all the good light and that is just a shame. Best to trim off all flower sites below the canopy that do not have a chance to develop properly. The ones in the hole are fine but you have some on main stalks that have no chance of being a "great" flower so just take em out.

I wouldn't stake the tall one until needed. simply because you want it to see the stress and build a hearty stalk. by staking it you are supporting it artificially and the stalk may grow weaker. If you are not using it most people provide a silica supplement found at all grow stores made by every fertilizer company and they will make for strong cell walls and hearty robust stalks. That helps a ton. A bit late now for this grow if you are not doing it but it wouldn't hurt actually.

Keep the questions coming we will get you there.
Thanks you for the fast advice VillageIdiot! So how does progression look for day 31 soil? Been running at 50% humidity week 3 and 4 also 1 feed and 1 flush. When flushing I have been using Terpinator.

Have done some cleaning up under the scrog:

I suspect this burn is from letting nutrients settle to the bottom of the bucket:

Blue dream day 31 Flower:

Headband day 31 Flower:
I think that looks great! you are now getting close to the part where it feels like watching paint dry. A few more weeks and it will get to the ripening stage where time stands still. But you are getting there!

Good Job!
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