First Time Cloning


Well-Known Member
Yo, fellow 420ers.
Let me begin by saying I have never cloned before. As of right now, I have 4 girls full of big buds soon to be harvested. Instead of going through the process of planting the bagseed I have and not knowing if they are male or female , I am wanting to try my hand at cloning from the 4 plants I I'm getting ready to harvest. My question is, can I cut the bud off of the plant I have now and clone from the stem in which the bud was on? The videos that I have been watching they normally count down to the fourth node and cut. All of the branches on my 4 plants have Bud on them.
Your help is appreciated.

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You should of taken clones cuttings before you put them into flower.

I have taken some pretty late into flower before.

They are much harder to work with.

But it can be done.

If you do get them to root they will go crazy after-would.

I use a spray cloner for mine.

Take the cuts from the lowest branches so you don't waste you bud.
You should of taken clones cuttings before you put them into flower.

I have taken some pretty late into flower before.

They are much harder to work with.

But it can be done.

If you do get them to root they will go crazy after-would.

I use a spray cloner for mine.

Take the cuts from the lowest branches so you don't waste you bud.
Thank ye DukeO for your comment. Yeah, your right. Too late in the game. I guess my best thing is to put bagseed in some soil and do like is familiar to me.
Hey man, thanks for your help.

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If the plant is in a pot.

Then you could try to regenerate it.

I have done it a few times.

Mine turned into monsters.

If it is in a pot under a light you can set the light back to 18/6 or go with 24hrs of light for a few days and then 18/6.

It has worked well for me in the past.

Good Luck...
I have harvested entire plants an only left a few small branches, turned up my hours of light an had good success with getting a second harvest off same plants. Iam not sure if it would effect clone success rate as I haven't tried cloning after flowering started.

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Regenerate means you cut the buds off when done and then you give what is left of the plant more hours of light and the plant starts to veg again.

Then you after a few weeks you can take clones and then make it flower again.
Aaaaaa, ok. I see. So, I harvest the bud I have now but not cut the plants, just harvest the buds that are on the stalk then put the plant in 18/6 light cycle then clone what is left of the plant.
I got it now.
That sounds pretty simple.
So you've done this in the past and It's worked.
I have read somewhere that the mother plant that the clones come from needs to be healthy or even the clones wont live.
Yes I have done it before.

You do not take clones until it gets big again.

If you can keep it alive.

In about two weeks it should start to regrow.

So leave some green parts down low on it when you cut off your buds.
Ok I think I'll try that. I'll just cut the main big bud and then the popcorn bud but leave the stem.
Sounds easy enough. What about nutrients? My plants are completely organic, I used no nutrients at all. Strictly water. Do you think I should start feeding nutes? If so, do you have any suggestions. Check out my plants on my journal page. They are pretty much up to date.
Hey man, I really appreciate you help.
For real.
You should leave some of the little popcorn. Some new leave will grow right out of it.

Take you big buds and leave some popcorn and any other leaves you can.

You should not really need to feed until you start to see new growth.
Aaaaaa, ok. I see. So, I harvest the bud I have now but not cut the plants, just harvest the buds that are on the stalk then put the plant in 18/6 light cycle then clone what is left of the plant.
I got it now.
That sounds pretty simple.
So you've done this in the past and It's worked.
I have read somewhere that the mother plant that the clones come from needs to be healthy or even the clones wont live.
Make sure to leave one or two buds on the plant otherwise it will not reveg. The new growth will come out of the buds left on the plant.

"carpe diem"
Ok, gotcha. So I leave some of the bottom popcorn bud/smaller buds and then with the 18/6 light cycle there should defiantly be some new foliage appear. Another person said that the new growth/foliage will appear out of the popcorn bud. Its very odd to me why there isnt any research on this subject. Seems like it would be super hard to keep the plant alive itself beings that right now the leaves are all dying. I'm still going to try my hand at it anyway. I just dont wanna go through what I did before, planting seed, then changing light cycle, waiting to determine if male or female then changing light cycle again and keeping plant alive and thriving. I'm hoping this works. I'll do my best to make it work.
Do you get on 420 regularly? or is it just random? I just wish I had a regular person that is experienced to be able to chat with who knows the answers when I have a question.
Thanks so much for your help.
Been a pleasure.
Ohhhh. I've heard of Monster cropping but I didn't think that that was the process of cloning. I just thought that Monster cropping was done to have a larger yield. So that's why people Monster Crop, to be able to have new growth to clone new plants so they don't have to go through the whole determining if the plants are males or females?
Yeah, I'm looking online now since I know what its called and all sites say it takes a while to do this. I may reveg one plant and start a few bagseed just to make sure I come out ahead with something good. Can I do that? Do you know of any problems I may run into by revegging a plant and starting some bagseed? I mean no contamination issues or anything.
It is basically revegging a flowering plant. After it starts regrowing it will start by having singlebladed smooth leaves before the regular leaves started to show . Takes a while to reveg though. So drop a bean and grow it alongside the reveg to keep yourself busy.

"carpe diem"
I'll definitely keep ye posted on my progress. I should be able to do the monster cropping without having issues. Lord knows I've watched enough video's and read enough about it to have it down pat. LOL

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