First Stem-less Bong!


New Member
hey wats up guys, just picked up this piece today, sorry about the shitty pic but its all i got. Paid $150 for it at a local head shop, i know that's a bit much but for the money it was the best one in my opinion. Has a cool design to it, also a 4 arm tree perc with slit diffusers, ice pinch, glass on glass slide, and a nice big base so it wont tip over easy, glass is a decent thickness, might buy a nice ash catcher for it soon and maybe a oil dome! Let me know what yall think! and if you got time, stop by my journals, links in my sig.:thanks:
Got a new ash catcher for my bong. it doesn't quite go with the scheme of the bong, and i overpaid for it but it is a nice piece of glass, very thick its a 14mm to 18.8mm so i had to buy a small glass slide for it, fuckin thing was 15$. the shop i went to is way over priced but its the only one in the area with a real selection. a phx tree arm perc ash catcher was like $150 cheapest. damn. well there is one other shop around the area that sells cheap bongs, thats where i got mine. but they have another one there that this ash catcher would look PERFECT on! if its still there next week imma get it!


^^^Haha you can see a smoke bubble under water, looks cool!
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