First Plant


Well-Known Member
So this is my first plant, and i know i messed it up big time in the beginning alot because i had no experience nor too much knowledge of what i was doing, so in the beginning i over watered and over fertelized the plant, but ive been giving it just water now for about a month, from time to time only when it needs, to see if the plant would start growing right again. some of the older leaves have already wilted and fallen, but i see that the top leaves are still getting brown around the edges and eventually spreads to the whole leaf, is it because im doing something wrong still or u think it might be that i just started this plant badly in the beginning?

Hey man. You look like your doing something right lol.
Here is a link to a thread that will help you figure out your problem. It's got pictures for everything!!! Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Do you have a grow journal going that has all of the little details of your grow?? This will help people help you answer your questions ;)

Good luck man!!
Keep it green!! :Namaste:
Well ok, like i said i messed up alot in the beginning, the first plant is about 13 weeks old, started blooming just a week ago. From over watering it and over fertilizing it i experienced slow growth and at one point it looked like it was going to die. It only stands about 10" tall but it looks like it started to go ok.

Now this other plant here is about 7 weeks old, also started blooming it a week ago, now this one i didnt make the same mistake i made on my first one, so even though this came from a lower quality seed, this one here is not looking that bad and its a foot tall now, taller than the first and is a month and a half youunger
Already on top of that, but thank you anyway. I had to trim leaves off because of my former mistakes and a lot of that spacing is a result of clipped leaves. Made me sad, but I had to do it. I have new sprouts coming in their places now, so hopefully soon, I can sex them and see what they give me. Hey tell you what, when they are ready for me to enjoy,I'll let you know how they turned out.
a lot of it is just a mild case of nute burn.

I could show you some of my plants that had the same thing, smaller plants can be picky.

Its all good I think you are on right track for now though.
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