First Grow


Well-Known Member
Hi people on my first grow and need help with 1. identifying my nutrient deficiency and 2. Knowing if she’s ready for flower. Any help will be highly appreciated, Pictures below


Hi! :welcome: Good stuff getting a journal going. If you can give us a full brief on your setup, nutrients, climate, watering practices etc that'll help anyone trying to assist you. The link in my signature for new members will take you to a page of resources. One is how to start a grow journal. Worth a read. :thumb:
Yes so, I’m using a 2x2 tent for veg will be put into bigger tent during flower, using a 150w led with a 50w=100w hps cool white. I’m using coco with perlite. The temp is between 22 and 25 day - 13-15 at night. My watering schedule has been very weird as she only needed watering every 3-5 days now she seems to need water every 2-3 days. Main issue is the deficiency need to get to the bottom of it so if anyone could help trying to solve this it would be much appreciated.
I do let it runoff about 10%, I’ve ph’d the run off once and it came out fine. Also yeah it’s just been the bottom 3-4 fan leaves the rest seems fine
I wouldn't worry to much at the minute if it's only them bottom ones.
They could just be dying off naturally due to the age of the plant.
If it was anywhere else; I would be concerned. But your first fan leaves can perish naturally
Oh and she's ready for flower anytime you want after ,3or 4 weeks. All depends how long you want to keep her in veg and is she healthy enough to go into flower.. that's the main thing. It is a photoperiod plant your growing?
Just took these 2 closer pictures. Something just doesn’t seem right with her, maybe I overfed or something I don’t know


She's a bit droopy.
But the new growth is the right colour. Don't know if it's your camera, but the older leaves look a bit dark.
As you can see the leaves are curled inwards, they are normally never thus bad have always been a little bit curled at the tips but never as bad as she is today
The cold can do that. Drooping can also be water related. I know nothing about Coco grows, so I can't comment... but when I've over and underwatered in soil. It looks the same
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