First grow, something is not right


Well-Known Member
Hi folks. This is my first attempt at growing. Are these contaminated?

See if anything here matches what you're experiencing. Mushroom Contamination: How To Spot And What To Do

I just pitched a cake because I felt it had pre-sprore trich all over it. But if you just watered this, my guess is that's bruising from water droplets. The nose knows, though. Give it a sniff test. Should be a nice earthy aroma. Also, if you added water, you're gonna wanna make sure the mycelium and fruiting bodies can breathe. Water vapor is preferable to liquid water. Kinda reminds me what happens to store bought white mushrooms when they get wet. They get a bit slimy. Are these getting a bit slimy? If so, it may not be your classic contamination, but the mushroom suffocating from water on it.
I know this grow is probably over but it looks like the rh is to high and not enough air exchange and some species are known to grow mycelium on the caps under those conditions.
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