First Grow - Sick Plants - Please Help


New Member
This is my first time growing and for the life of me I can't diagnose the problem..
Leaves are turning yellow from the middle of the leaf, the main stem as well as the leaf stems are turning red.

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here.








Both are bag seeds.
I'm making sure that the water is de-chlorinated.
Plants are almost 2 months old.
I just transplanted them into bigger pots yesterday. And when I transplanted them I found out that they were already root locked...
Using fox farm ocean forest, added a little bit of blood meal when I put them in bigger pots yesterday because I thought it was nitrogen deficiency.
I have two lights. Both are 6500k 40watt "daylight" CFL bulbs on timers, 18 on 6 off.
Both are bag seeds.
I'm making sure that the water is de-chlorinated.
Plants are almost 2 months old.
I just transplanted them into bigger pots yesterday. And when I transplanted them I found out that they were already root locked...
Using fox farm ocean forest, added a little bit of blood meal when I put them in bigger pots yesterday because I thought it was nitrogen deficiency.
I have two lights. Both are 6500k 40watt "daylight" CFL bulbs on timers, 18 on 6 off.

You just transplanted them into some good soil. I would let them go a few days and see how they do. Don't expect the yellowing on the leaves to go away. It generally doesn't. Look at the new growth over the next week. It should look green and healthy. Good luck. :peace:
You just transplanted them into some good soil. I would let them go a few days and see how they do. Don't expect the yellowing on the leaves to go away. It generally doesn't. Look at the new growth over the next week. It should look green and healthy. Good luck. :peace:

yes i agree , sorry i didnt get back , up to my eyes
So what y'all are saying is, I'm doing everything correctly?
I know I goofed by not transplanting them into bigger pots sooner. But I'm still learning.
Any more advice or input you can give me on how to keep them healthier?
Much appreciated.
So what y'all are saying is, I'm doing everything correctly?
I know I goofed by not transplanting them into bigger pots sooner. But I'm still learning.
Any more advice or input you can give me on how to keep them healthier?
Much appreciated.

I think you are doing fine. Patience is the hard part. Give them a chance to adjust to their new pots and soil. I think you will see a big improvement. :peace:
Alright, yeah and I'm letting one of the plants grow naturally but the other one I've already topped once.
I think it will be ready to top again soon.
It's starting to get a little bit colder at night where I am (around 50-60 degrees F), and I'm growing them in an outdoor closet on my balcony. Do I need to be worried about them getting cold at night? I can put a space heater that has a thermostat on it in the closet with the plants. What's the ideal temperature range for them?
Alright, yeah and I'm letting one of the plants grow naturally but the other one I've already topped once.
I think it will be ready to top again soon.
It's starting to get a little bit colder at night where I am (around 50-60 degrees F), and I'm growing them in an outdoor closet on my balcony. Do I need to be worried about them getting cold at night? I can put a space heater that has a thermostat on it in the closet with the plants. What's the ideal temperature range for them?

I keep my tents between 81-85 during lights on and about 10 less with lights off. I like to keep them around 84-85 optimally. You may want to try a little LSTing (Low Stress Training) on at least the one you topped. What I do, is take some binder clips and put them on the edge of the pot. Then take some twine and tie the side branches down. It forces the branches in the middle to grow up toward the light. Not sure if you can see it in this pic. I can try to get a better one for you when I get home. Right now I have 3 of my girls tied down and bushing up. A White Widow, A Blue Blood and a Cali Jack. This is my Blue Blood clone. If you look closely, you can see the tan string on the edges. :peace:

Yeah I read about what you're doing somewhere, but I've never really seen any good pictures. That would be awesome if you could show me some more of yours so I can see how you did it!
Yeah I read about what you're doing somewhere, but I've never really seen any good pictures. That would be awesome if you could show me some more of yours so I can see how you did it!

When I get home I will take some better pics for you, but LST is not difficult at all. You really can't hurt anything with it. The better you do it the better the results, but there is really no risk. It works especially well with young plants because they are flexible. Get a box of binder clips from Staples and put one one each side under your 2 "tops" (the two main branches on either side of where you topped) Put a piece of twine around it and gently pull it down so that is is horizontal instead of vertical. That is it. Then let it grow. Add more clips when necessary and it will make for a short bushy plant. If you pull too hard and split the branch, take a little duct tape and use it a a bandage. I have only had to use the duct tape once or twice but the plants were fine. :peace:
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