First grow ready or not - Smokin' Yoda


420 Member
Howdy all! Got my first grow almost ready. Made plenty of mistakes along the way and hope to get better with more practice and knowledge.
My string bean plant of an auto (gorilla cookies) smells great. The top bud looks close to done with mostly brown pistels but the lower buds not quite there with some white one's still in the mix. I have a tough time seeing if all the trichomes are white as my eye site is crap.
Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated, Thanks!

First picture is of top bud, second picture is of lower bud, third picture is of whole plant and fourth picture is
of Smokin' Yoda, a painting I did a few years ago. (o:

pl 1.jpg

pl 2.jpg

pl 3.jpg

smokin yoda.jpg
Welcome to 420mag @RT VEGAS :welcome: nice looking lady you have there 👌 was she fully grown by the window?
Do you have a jewelers loupe? Best way to check Trichomes.. it's hard to tell from them pics but looks like you still have some time though, a week or two.. wait until the pistils are flat on the bud. I think they still look a little spikey.
Welcome to the community, @RT VEGAS.
She seems close but you could let her go a bit longer if you'd like to.
When you can't check the trichomes waiting for the pistils to recede is a good indicator.

Does she get any supplemental lighting or just the light from the window?
If it's the latter you might consider grabbing a small light from one our sponsors.
I'm doing a micro grow atm check it out here if you're interested.

I know some people do well with autos but it really seems hit or miss to me.
Might be worth looking into growing some photoperiods because they're more forgiving and you're in control.
Hi RT and welcome :)

Congratulations on growing your first plant! Isn't it the best feeling.

420 Mag is such a great platform for making friends and learning all there is to know about weed. I'm sure you are going to fit right in!

I can recommend a great light. I grow autos next to my window (links in signature if interested), and I use 2 @ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro 150 W grow lights which are just perfect for my table top grows. I have just managed to grow three under 2 XS 1500 Pro lights. Their optimized spectrum and optical lenses ensure balanced, uniform ppfd all the way to the corners. If you get more than one light, they (up to 20 of them) can be connected in a daisy chain and managed with one dimmer. Excellent value.

I love your Yoda painting. I'm also into art and design.

Happy growing :passitleft:
Howdy all! Got my first grow almost ready. Made plenty of mistakes along the way and hope to get better with more practice and knowledge.
My string bean plant of an auto (gorilla cookies) smells great. The top bud looks close to done with mostly brown pistels but the lower buds not quite there with some white one's still in the mix. I have a tough time seeing if all the trichomes are white as my eye site is crap.
Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated, Thanks!

First picture is of top bud, second picture is of lower bud, third picture is of whole plant and fourth picture is
of Smokin' Yoda, a painting I did a few years ago. (o:

pl 1.jpg

pl 2.jpg

pl 3.jpg

smokin yoda.jpg
Looking good.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 RT Vegas!

Happy growing!
Welcome to 420mag @RT VEGAS :welcome: nice looking lady you have there 👌 was she fully grown by the window?
Do you have a jewelers loupe? Best way to check Trichomes.. it's hard to tell from them pics but looks like you still have some time though, a week or two.. wait until the pistils are flat on the bud. I think they still look a little spikey.
Thanks! I started outside for a few weeks then brought inside. Used a couple of cheap grow bulbs for a couple of more weeks then picked up LED. I started a couple on new plants 3 weeks ago and they are looking much more robust than my big plant was at the same age. I realized I do have a jewelers loupe. Still tough to see with my hand shaking. Maybe I'll try again after a few drinks! (o:
Hi RT and welcome :)

Congratulations on growing your first plant! Isn't it the best feeling.

420 Mag is such a great platform for making friends and learning all there is to know about weed. I'm sure you are going to fit right in!

I can recommend a great light. I grow autos next to my window (links in signature if interested), and I use 2 @ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro 150 W grow lights which are just perfect for my table top grows. I have just managed to grow three under 2 XS 1500 Pro lights. Their optimized spectrum and optical lenses ensure balanced, uniform ppfd all the way to the corners. If you get more than one light, they (up to 20 of them) can be connected in a daisy chain and managed with one dimmer. Excellent value.

I love your Yoda painting. I'm also into art and design.

Happy growing :passitleft:
Thanks so much for all of the great info CR! I have a feeling I'm going to be investing in bigger and better growing gear. Thanks for your kind words regarding Yoda painting. I did that when I was doing the New York Comic Con a few years back. (o:

Welcome to the community, @RT VEGAS.
She seems close but you could let her go a bit longer if you'd like to.
When you can't check the trichomes waiting for the pistils to recede is a good indicator.

Does she get any supplemental lighting or just the light from the window?
If it's the latter you might consider grabbing a small light from one our sponsors.
I'm doing a micro grow atm check it out here if you're interested.

I know some people do well with autos but it really seems hit or miss to me.
Might be worth looking into growing some photoperiods because they're more forgiving and you're in control.
Thanks Regrowth! I figured a couple of more weeks. Rather pull a little later than earlier.
I did pick up a LED about half way through so not just window light. Will need more lighting if I want to
grow more than on plant at a time...which I do!
My nephew is doing photo's now so maybe he will be kind enough to give me a clone. (o:
Welcome to 420 Magazine @RT VEGAS

Nice looking lady you have there.
Will you be making a grow journal?

Here's some helpful info.

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If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

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And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Thanks for the welcome and ALL of the wonderful links Tok! No journal yet but I am taking notes. (o:
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