First Grow Please Comment


New Member
Just wondering if we could get some comments on our first grow. We are beggining the 5th week of flowering. Please let me know what you think. 1000w HPS for flower and Tube lights for veg.

The reason I started this id because my father was diagnosed with Lymphoma and I thought it would help in many ways. We both have our recommendations and it is helping him tremendausly! I am now a believer in the healing propertys.







Forgot to list em
1. Pinapple Express From Clone
2. Hawaiian Hash Plant From Clone
3. Pinapple Express From Clone
4. Hawaiian Hash Plant From Clone
5.Hawaiian Hash Plant From Clone
6. Hawaiian Snow from Seed
Thanks azcruiser! I always wanted to do this but was afraid of the legalities of it. I think we are doing well but being the first time were not sure. It looks all good. We had some fungus gnats but got that all cleared up. Any idea how much longer they might be? Like I said they are begining the 5th week.

Thanks for the comments
They look very healthy... great job so far. I would consider training the plants in the future. Search for LST or topping. You already have bamboo stick for support for the taller ones in flower. Fantastic for a first grow. You must have a natural green thumb.

The only thing I see that you can improve upon from the pics is your nutrition regiment for the plants. You are giving them too much at the moment. (the one in flower with the bamboo stick). Notice the burning of the tips of the leaves. That is called "nute burn"

Skip on the nutrients the next feed cycle and use only water, this should alleviate any problems to come from it.
Thank you for the comments! Yes I will be training the next batch. I have 5 Hawaiian snow in veg that I have topped mutiple times, so we hope to see some improvement. I also am skipping the nutes until the burn is gone. I am only using half the recommended dose but still seem to be getting a little burn. The Pineapple express seems to be particulary sensitive to nutes so we backed off that completley. I will post more pics later.

Thanks azcruiser! I always wanted to do this but was afraid of the legalities of it. I think we are doing well but being the first time were not sure. It looks all good. We had some fungus gnats but got that all cleared up. Any idea how much longer they might be? Like I said they are begining the 5th week.

Thanks for the comments

Nice for the first time! Posting pics helps with issues. I am so new I did not even notice the nute burn. Thanks for posting I learned some valuable information. I will keep watching your grow.
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