First grow - First transplant - How much water needed for 10L pots?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. What's up! I'm relatively new here and just wanted to know a basic thing. Watering.

I've started my grow around 1st - 2nd week of Feb and I'm planning on transplanting my plant into a 10L or 3Gal pot and I'm not sure how much water I'd be needing to feed my baby (so that I can plan ahead in terms of how much nutes would be needed)

She's in a pretty small pot right now and I've been using about 800mL for flushing before with lots of run off water but now, 1L doesn't even cut it.

Here's a picture of the pot I'm currently using right now. I can't really take a solo picture of the pot since I'm at the office but I hope this would suffice.


---Here's what she looks like **Though the picture is like 3-4 days old. I do apologize :( I want to give you guys an updated pic but I'm stuck at work x.x


EDIT: I'm using Coco + Perlite if that helps :|
Congratulations on your new grow. Your plants are looking fantastic.

Watering has many variables. The most important is probably what you are going to be growing in. It looks like your growing in soil as opposed to CoCo (hydro).

In soil I would give the girl a good watering - to run off (water coming out the bottom of the plant) with plain water. Pick up the pot and get a feel of how heavy it is when saturated. Now just let it go for a couple days. Each morning pick up the pot and feel it. If it is still relatively heavy hold off if the pot starts feeling light it is time to give her a drink. Many water until run off. There is no formula to how much and when your plant will need watering. Things like temperature, humidity and how thirsty your girls are will impact this.

Remember that the number one reason for failure of new growers is over watering your plant. The adage - Less is More applies. As a guestimate I would say you will water about 1/2 - 1 Liter when you first transplant.

After your first week you can start using nutrients at your current level (recommended 1/2 strength of label). Many also like to add a rooting additive to help encourage root development.
Nothing wrong with a good bag seed. Just hope that the plant is a female. As she gets a bit older you will need to look for little hairs in the joint between the stem and leaves. If it is a male you will see a roundish sack instead.
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