First grow ever by complete amatuer! 1.5 months along ADVICE?!


New Member
So here it is, I decided to randomly plant four seeds some time ago. Only two actually sprouted and one rotted and died. I have one last hope. She was started directly in the soil with no "pre-germ" and was growing really strongly to start. As it got bigger it started to yellow for whatever reason. I then transplanted it and flushed it for 2 waterings and the refertilized. The plant started to take up its vigorous growth cycle once again. It soon became too tall for my home made printer box grow box so i made a grow box out a 35 gallon garbage can turn upside down. It is lined with aluminum foil for a reflective surface and i installed three light bulb in the top (led, and two flouros) There is also a small fan in on side of the can and the opposite side has a vent for air circulation. RECENTLY HAD A HUGE PROBLEM! The fan malfunctioned and the box went from a constant 80 degrees to about 110! By the time i noticed it had been almost 5 hours of the heat exposure. the plant was keeling over. I immediatley change the fan and set the conditions back to normal. Its been five days since and no signs of recovery. the stems look to be great but the burnt wilted leaves are getting crispier and crackly so i decicde to cut them off. But rather then just cut them off i figured id try and clone them today. As a result of the heat i had to hack my plant almost in half because the stem was sagging and stressing the rest of the plant. Upon checking i noticed the roots growing rapidly and decided to give my "mother" and new pot. So now i have half a plant and the top half are planted in a mix of half perlite and half organic soil. Im just soooo worried that the whole grow is trashed but im still clinging on to hope. Any Help is supremely appreciated becaus ei have nopbody to consult.
Buddyman90 - Abit more information is needed to help you out.

How much experience do you have growing Mj? 1st grow or several?
What soil do you have it in?
Does it have nutrients in the soil or none but what you give?
What is your soil ph?
What nutes did you give it and how much?
How often are you watering?
Any photos you can add here?

It sounds like you had 1 problem to begin with (yellowing leaves), then it progressed on to your temps and wilting the leaves by temp conditions. Please provide some pics and above questions. Not sure why you cut them and after doing so wanted to clone them. How long did you wait to clone them after they were cut off?

How much of the top did you cut?

Most people are directed to THE GROW ROOM and asked to read How to grow Marijuana. This is a great place to study plants, proper conditions to grow, etc...

Alright got the pics up and ill explain as we go...
This is my seedling a while back. This was taken a few days after i transplanted it into this tupperware container. It was doing great and groing fast but then as you can see in the pic it started to yellow from the bottom up.
This was last week after transporting it had been bent over in the trunk but one day of fresh air and light in the garage brought it back... this was two days before my heat incident. all photos are the same plant.
this was the heat exposed plant. notice the straw...that whole top half wilted over and weight the plant down so i pretty much halfed the plant where the straw is and put it in hormones to see if it would take. also... the nodes directly under the straw werte the best ones but the leaves could not recove so i hacked off that node as well. the stems seem vewry healthy and strong though so i figured why not try and clone em for shits.... so the final plant consist of only the first bulck of growth with the 3 fanned leaves. Will it survive because i hacked it off will the clones take at such an early stage? the stem is just as thick as a pencil if not a bit bigger. ive cut leaves on this plant before and it has proven to be quite hardy but this is the biggest problem its gone through yet so im definitely a bit scared. she was looking soooooo damn beautiful and just started to get a scent to it. I will get present pics up asap.
Additional info on your questions... nutes- just some indoor miracle grow stuff like once a week at half strength...soil- organic choice miracle grow potting mix mixed with some miracle grow perlite...tested ph of water before it went in the pot and was at 6.8 ( couple weeks ago i checked the ph of the drainage and it was at 6.4)....was watering when top was dry almost daily with the fan going but found it was too much so now i lift the pot and judge the soil moisture by weight and only water when dry as i read that mj plant like the wet dry cycle... i cut the plant cause the leaves were dry and crumbling and im a total newb...
This is that same ONE plant Im so sketched about what i did but only time will tell.... this was hacked down for sure... will it come back? the cuttings?
Also the cuttings are being capped with clear plastic cups, the main plant also is browning like almost bark looking up the main stem ... only about half way though and the rest of the stem is plump and green with a few purple vein looking things
Okay. Most members here dont use MG or their soil, It is not formulated to be of much benefit for mj. Some use it some dont.

I would make the suggestions below:

Your plants have stretched quite a bit from the looks of things. Right now it's not important as getting other things fixed first.

I forgot to ask what lights you have. Im assuming your using CFL's. If you are they should be very close to the plant within 2-3 inches. But check the hand temps at the tops. What light cycle do you have them on? 24/7 (24/24) 18 on 6 off (18/6) or 12 on 12 off (12/12).

They seem to look ok for the stress they have been under. Any drastic and some not so drastic changes cause stress.

Your containers need to have drain holes in them on the bottom and about 1 inch from the bottom on the sides.

It would be a benefit if you could transplant into a bigger container at least 2 gallon. I have and am using large detergent tubs with holes and washed out. You can see on my signature by going to Current grow, or a similar container size if you cant purchase some.

Also get a nutrient free potting soil Fox farms or a seedling Jiffy mix with no nutes. Distilled water. After you have assembled your clean container, distilled water and no nute soil. Add some soil to each of the containers and then take the plants one at a time, remove them from the existing pot hold them over a tub of something and use the distilled water to wash off the soil from the roots. **Caution** do not disturb the roots very much but try and get as much soil off as possible. Do this to each plant you now have. Then water them all lightly with the distilled water.

Dont let them be exposed to the air for very long. Place the plant into its own new container and finish filling with soil, lightly pack it around the stem and roots. Set aside and do the nest one.

You will most likely need to get a good nutrient (Blue Planet Nutrients, Fox farm or a compost tea) and because they have been getting some from the MG soil and what you have added.

Water with distilled water about every 3-4 days or less if soil is still moist. You can check this by sticking your finger on the outer rim of container about 2 inches deep. You dont need to water if you can still feel moisture. But check daily. You should only give nutes 1 time a week and plain distilled water until you get some knowledge under your belt.

You should have your plants on a regular watering cycle and lighting schedule in an area that the environments dont change.
Have a look at some of the grow journals, pay attention to what they do and make adjustments for your style of growing. If you have more seeds you might want to just start over if you can. I know you've spent time growing from clone/seed so dont throw it away unless you feel the need to start over As long as the stem has growth or new growth it may fill out in time. Just try to keep things constant for them.

Hope this helps, If you more help just ask.
:welcome: to :420: and its community are Great!!!!
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