First Grow - AF Blueberry - Indoor - Hydro


New Member
I am so stinking excited that I finally received my seeds ! So I went out and got what all my research has instructed.

5 gallon tub, air stone, air pump, tubing, CFL
Bulbs (88¢ For 4 can you believe !?!?), 3 storm drain end thingys that I plan on using as pots, perlite, fish fertilizer 5-1-1, and those soil "patties" that get fat after soaking in water.

I constructed my system based on diagrams and grow journals I'd seen.. It came out pretty decent. Now being myself, I left my seeds (Blueberry AutoFem, btw) in my moms car. So I can't germinate until tomorrow. I'd really love any suggestions, comments, well wishes that you guys will send !
Good luck SiTPi, I'll be here Making fart sounds In the corner. Lol. Jk... You're plans seem very well thought out, it's good to have done research before jumping in the grow game. Have fun and learn with every mistake, lots of luck mun.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
I haven't like taken any time to get a decent picture, but I will. Once there's something other than jiffy pellets in the frame. Waiting for these things to sprout is really stressful

We have a sprout !:cheer:
Okay I could really use some help. I'm using a hydro system, BUT I couldn't find those clay rocks for the life of me !! I remembered seeing someone with a system like mine using soil.. So I followed suit. Filled the tub with water , packed soil into the cups and sat my jiffy pellets inside. I don't see why it couldn't still grow this way. I don't have an air pump in the container just an air stone and I don't think anything can get stuck in it. Hopefully this goes well. Any help, or insight would be really helpful.
Hi Stone, I don't have much growing experience so take my advice with a grain of salt but since soil and hydro use different nutrients and operate in a different pH range I don't think using soil in your hydro setup is a good idea mate.

You have perlite and it would be a much better substitute for the clay pellets, it's still early so it's a good time to replace it!

Good luck and welcome to :420:
Hey stone! I think i was as excited as you when i had mine sprout, I had a big olé smile on my face. I hope every is going good with the little one and yeah StillANoob is right you shouldnt have soil and hydro mix because of ph reasons and im sure if the soil runs off into the res it can mess that ph up. I am starting a grow with hydro has well , first time! :) I have been doing alot of research on hydro i think i have a grasp on it. Feel free to PM me or just ask any questions you have in your journal. Have a goodnight man!
Agreed! I've seen people use coco in hydro set ups bit soil is going to be nothing but a mess. Soil growing ph and hydro ph are two different animals. Perlite is a better way to go. Carefully remove your babies and rinse all the soil off your roots. Very carefully because they are small and veey delicate. Rinse your perlite, fill your cup with it, make a small hole with a pencil, carefully fill around the roots and viola, you're one step closer to success. Also that fish fert, is that like fish emulsion? I think that may be a problem as well. Its going to stink like holy hell and i believe you are going to want something meant for hydro. I could be wrong tho. I am very new to dwc myself and don't want to rain on your parade because it is a very satisfying way to grow. You won't need any nutes for at least a week or 2 so try and get something else, fox farms or general hydroponics or advanced nutrients etc. What kind of area are you using to grow in? Temps, humidity? You will need an aquarium thermometer or something to monitor water temps as root rot can become a real bummer when you think things are going good. Also, make sure your pump and stoness are both good. I made the mistake of thinking my little walmart pump would be enough and it was til my root mass started filling up the bucket and covering my stone and seriously damped my bubble action. I broke down and bought a good pump and stones. If i think of anything else to help I'll be back. I hope this helps a little. Im excited that your excited to do this and i wanna help as much as i can. There are some really good dwcers on this site and theyve helped me a bunch.
Okay so since putting the seeds under light they have all shown themselves ! I'm going to let them grow this way until I can transplant them into a different medium. Attached are my plants. Thank you for all the advice so far guys !

Update ! This isn't actually even what they look like currently. I just haven't updated y'all for a few days. We're still going strong , right now they are actually sprouting a second set of leaves ! I'll upload pictures when I get a chance . I had some leaning problems so I tied the one up with a hair pin and loose thread . She's hanging in there .
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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