First grow, 5 strains, fluros


New Member
Hey everyone,

New to this whole grow thing, been looking through grow journals the past two weeks and gained some background knowledge. Need your advice, tell me what I am doing wrong please!

Green Crack
Bubba Kush
Cherry AK
Fucking Incredible? never heard of this one...

All from local dispensaries.

Ocean forest soil, t5 grow fluoros about 3 inches away from the tops. 24/0. Botanicare Pure Grow and Liquid Karma, Canna Rhizotonic. pH is around 6.0

What do you guys think I should mix the soil with? Planning to do low stress on the plants, can I do that now?

It's been two weeks since I got them, and they look pretty healthy. A lot of new formations, but the Bubba Kush and F'ing Incredible leaves are all deformed. Every single one has three the normal? I don't know much about growing cannabis, or cannabis in general, I just know it's medicating and gets me high so I smoke it. Typical marijuana drawings, pictures and whatever have five this puzzles me.

Will upload pictures in a bit
Yo Marjj....welcome aboard! Looks like you are getting yourself setup nicely. When you say "what should I mix the soil with" what exactly do you mean? If you mean what nutrients you should give, my advice is to wait until the little plants have four or five nodes of leaves (sets) before fertilizing and then do it at 1/4 or 1/2 strength every other time you water. Concerning your deformed of our plants (Daisy) which is a skunk variant, looked so twisted up and freaky I was convinced she wouldn't live out of the seedling stage, but is now our pride and joy....simply a beauty. Read and visit the journals out there like you have and ask questions. I am a novice indoor grower and this site has proven invaluable for sure.
hey hypo!

First of all, thanks for the quick reply, I feel more welcomed in this forum now. By mixing the soil, I mean mixing it with another substrate or soil mix. Is that common? The guy at my local hydroponics store said something about mixing it with some kind of coco soil mix...I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying...thanks for the assuring comments, I hope my deformed plants correct itself like your Daisy did
Marjj....I don't know anything about coco other than what I have read on other journals. My rec is if you are going to add anything add perlite to the mix. I like an airy mix that drains well. Fox Farms soil isn't readily avail in my area and I didn't want to pay shipping on soil so I went with Monrovia organic soil which I felt compared with the FF and then I mixed in @25% perlite and @5% vermiculite. The perlite is already in the soil, but more adds increased porosity and the vermiculite helps with water retention. The key here is that there are literally hundreds of ways to skin a cat and just about everyone will have their method...which is the "best" one. Either way you go, with a high quality soil and following sound advice that many here on this forum will share, you will be in good shape. You just have to take all the advice you get and figure out what will work for you. Here is a picture of Daisy at 29 days old and she was certainly an ugly duckling as a seedling...hence the "duck" name. lol

She was FIM'd about four days before this pic was taken and you can see the new shoots starting to grow.

Anyhow, keep doing what you are're doing fine!
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely add some perlite to my soil when i move them to bigger pots. Your plant looks really healthy


Green Crack

F'ing Incredible

Cherry AK

Bubba Kush

These pictures are four days old. Will update tomorrow, and try to get pictures of the leaf deformations
Marjj.....looking good. Looks like you have a little chlorosis (yellowing) on the leaves. Have you fed them anything at all yet? Also, what color spectrum are your T5s? 6500 is the best for vegging, but by no means is the only option. Are your plants from seed or clones? They look like they have been transplanted in the pots they are in or they are cloned plants. Just wondering. Be cool
The plants are from clones. The yellowing was on the leaves when I got the plants from the clinic, its a lot better now. Is there something I can do to speed up the greening?
Is this grow still alive?
If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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