First DWC - Advice Welcome

Good catch.

They continue to do well. :thumb:
Yeah glad I caught it when I did

For s and g's here's my mini fridge veg box
Btw that plant is shaped like an S, I tied it to itself, the branch shooting off of the left side is actually the top of the plant.

Day 5 flower, I have some burpee powdered sea kelp stuff 0-15-13 should I add some of this?


Been watching this branch climb up to the 6500k



Lions! And Tigers! And Bud Sites oh my!
Thanks Dank!
I got my hands on some freezer packs at work there's like twenty of them, they're refreezable so I thought about grabbing like 6 of them to use to cool my Rez, it runs at a constant 72f, was thinking put the bucket in a tote or something with water and 3 freezer packs and rotate them every so hours, I haven't had problems yet with the temp of the water but cooler is better right? As of now I'm using a 5w 4 outlet pump which just came in yesterday, 6-8" micro pore stone and a 6" disc air stone connected to it. Any thoughts on this fellas?

Also that burpee kelp stuff 0-15-11, should I add it as I'm doing a Rez clean today?
Right on Cult! What about the kelp?
Hi Mr. Flintstone, I'm all caught up with your journal and Sub'd. Great job so far, your plant is looking awesome, it really filled in that trellis nicely.
Good luck with the rest of flower.;)
if all you have for nutrients is burpee powdered sea kelp stuff 0-15-13 I would add start with a 1/4 strength dose and see how your plant reacts to it, if you notice yellowing and browning tips it is nutrient burn and you should change your reservoir and give a lower dose.
Hey hey Kjc, what I'm saying is I had the burpee stuff just sitting around and was wondering if it was a good idea to add it along with the gh3 part? I know about burning but wanting to know if it could be used as an additive without any repercussions?
Update here soon fellas
Day 7 flower, pic from last night, will have tonight's picture up here soon

Day 8 of de flower .


Got some big bud and bud candy on the way, gonna give it a try
honestly if u get a chance use dutch pro explode for boost. too late now if u have ordered stuff but its so simple to use and effective, just for future reference. once u finish the big bud use top shooter powder, its unreal but hard on plants if u get mix wrong. much better than using overdrive though.
Dood Cult that's some pricey stuff there!
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