First coco run couple questions


Active Member
Hey guys so trying out coco for the first time. I kinda need little help. You guys helped me with my last hydro run now I’m trying coco.
First any one have any links or any ideas on how setup irrigation gph on drippers or flood and drain? Which is better or cheaper to setup diy for my first run? Also how often should I be watering? I went 7 days with out watering and started getting deficiencies. I thought you had to let coco dry out a little 50% of the pot. Now I’m watering every other day on 5 of the plants and one I’m watering 2 times a day hand watering. Couple hours after light on and couple hours before lights are out. Now I’m watering at 860ppm and 5.8 ph I’m on week 4 veg.

Hey guys so trying out coco for the first time. I kinda need little help. You guys helped me with my last hydro run now I’m trying coco.
First any one have any links or any ideas on how setup irrigation gph on drippers or flood and drain? Which is better or cheaper to setup diy for my first run? Also how often should I be watering? I went 7 days with out watering and started getting deficiencies. I thought you had to let coco dry out a little 50% of the pot. Now I’m watering every other day on 5 of the plants and one I’m watering 2 times a day hand watering. Couple hours after light on and couple hours before lights are out. Now I’m watering at 860ppm and 5.8 ph I’m on week 4 veg.

Good morning Amigo :ciao:
Coco has a couple parameters to follow.
First never give plain water.
Second never let it dry at all.
Coco must remain moist.
Coco requires calmag in your plain water first, every time.
Always give full strength nutrients at 5.8 ph to runoff, every day.
Big plants of flowering plants can be fed 2 or 3 times a day.
I don't have any recommendations on your drip set up, sorry.
Just make sure you keep them moist and well fed.
Happy growing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hi @Olie - I'm a coco grower same as Bill, but we have different setups so slightly different methods

I tried a gravity bag dripper [garden center, £10] which works fine if you can set the dripper right, don't bother trying to have a series of drippers on the same line cos that doesn't work

Apart from that, what @Bill284 said :high-five:
Hi @Olie - I'm a coco grower same as Bill, but we have different setups so slightly different methods

I tried a gravity bag dripper [garden center, £10] which works fine if you can set the dripper right, don't bother trying to have a series of drippers on the same line cos that doesn't work

Apart from that, what @Bill284 said :high-five:
Hey Roy :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
Coco has a couple parameters to follow.
First never give plain water.
Second never let it dry at all.
Coco must remain moist.
Coco requires calmag in your plain water first, every time.
Always give full strength nutrients at 5.8 ph to runoff, every day.
Big plants of flowering plants can be fed 2 or 3 times a day.
I don't have any recommendations on your drip set up, sorry.
Just make sure you keep them moist and well fed.
Happy growing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey bill I get the part about always feeding plants all the time. Only part I was a little lost was the watering part. I was letting it dry out to much and I think that where I locked out nutrient’s. How much cal mag would you recommend adding to rodi water?
Hi @Olie - I'm a coco grower same as Bill, but we have different setups so slightly different methods

I tried a gravity bag dripper [garden center, £10] which works fine if you can set the dripper right, don't bother trying to have a series of drippers on the same line cos that doesn't work

Apart from that, what @Bill284 said :high-five:
Hi Roy yea I’m looking to water automatic because of my job. I work crazy hours and hours always changing so some time I’m not around.
Don’t let it dry out completely.
Is what he’s saying can have undue effects on the coco taking up NUTES.

You can’t really over water coco.
Just water to often.
Good example I have some ladies in coco.
Around your size there now getting watered.
one L every two days.
And it never runs dry.
But come flower like my other tent a few weeks in
And in bigger pots and bigger ladies I’m now having to water 3 times a day to keep them damp.

I could feed more and not so many times.
But that would mean to much run of to deal with.

Hope that helps some.
Great advice already given.

Hey bill I get the part about always feeding plants all the time. Only part I was a little lost was the watering part. I was letting it dry out to much and I think that where I locked out nutrient’s. How much cal mag would you recommend adding to rodi water?
Depending on the brand around 1 ml/l
But check the directions it should say the ratio.
I use a seaweed extract in my mix aswell.
Great for the ladies.
My method actually incudes Bokashi Frass & DYNOMYCO.
With layers of perlite in between the coco.
Creates several perched water tables in the pot.
With fresh air trapped in between.
Have a look at my threads I show pictorials of my method.
Works well.
Here is my green house.
All coco @Bill284 Method.


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