Figuring out feeding levels


Well-Known Member
Trying to figure out how often and how much to feed for flower cycle with Advanced nutrients Ph perfect 3 part series.

I am currently at the end of week 4 in flowering and I am running into some yellowing to purple and noticed burnt areas and curling tips plus some pistols are changing fast all of a sudden and I don't see any bananas.

I have run my PH too high around 7...backing that down now to 6.5-6.8 as I am in a potting soil mixed with 1/3 HP Pro mix, plus a solo cup of Earth Worm Castings per 5 gal bucket that I run grow buckets out of= SIP style.

Re calibrated my Apera multi PH, ppm, meter today and ran some control tests.... Plain tap water I use= 7.37 Ph and 55.9 PPM

Added 5ml/liter Advanced PH Perfect Nutrients
Micro added to water= 6.78 Ph and 231 PPM
Plus Grow= 6.53 Ph and 338 PPM
Plus Bloom= 6.21 Ph and 523 PPM

I also use same brand AN Sensi Cal Mag Extra at about 2ml/liter once a week
I use a little Silica Gold plant feed during grow cycle but not in flower
Some triple super phosphate fert. on the way....

Suggestions, help..a good schooling, always appreciated...Thanks so much









When I was using AN three part in just ProMix HP I found anything over a total ppm of 1000 was trouble !

I backed off to 900 and successfully finished the grow...

Thanks for the tip...I will definitely keep an eye on that PPM #
Did you do the feed water feed water routine with your grow in ProMix?
Checking them today and still have new growth and water is being consumed and the top leaves are angled good;)
Starting to write everything down as I grow now.
Thanks for the tip...I will definitely keep an eye on that PPM #
Did you do the feed water feed water routine with your grow in ProMix?
Checking them today and still have new growth and water is being consumed and the top leaves are angled good;)
Starting to write everything down as I grow now.
I feed with every watering...

A journal is a good thing ;)

I track date, g/gallon of MC, how much water, temp, rh and growth/day for each strain.

And I'm a semi-retired photographer so I have images every three or so days !

Cheers, eh ?
Hi 420hive, your garden looks amazing and the true purple leaves are awesome!
Do you know exactly what type of potting mix you have and whether it has any slow release nutes or moisture retaining crystals?
Thanks so much Tassie Turtleman..the colors have me thinking this set may be Blue Sunset Gelato.
The roots soil I used has....Coarse peat moss, perlite, composted virgin forest material, coco fiber, pumice, worm castings, bat guano, non gmo soybean meal, fishbone meal, non gmo alfalfa meal, leonardite, kelp meal, greensand and mycorrhizal fungi.
The other bag of soil I have is Nectar of the Gods....coir fiber, perlite, yucca meal, basalt, and mycorrhizal fungi.
I am leaning towards building my own soil as I go on and collect some more ingredients.
I feed with every watering...

A journal is a good thing ;)

I track date, g/gallon of MC, how much water, temp, rh and growth/day for each strain.

And I'm a semi-retired photographer so I have images every three or so days !

Cheers, eh ?
Yes..a journal is a good many variables and measurements to keep track of..started writing it all down now. the way photos have changed over the years...these camera phones make it so convenient.
Quality over quantity...Cheers
Thanks so much Tassie Turtleman..the colors have me thinking this set may be Blue Sunset Gelato.
The roots soil I used has....Coarse peat moss, perlite, composted virgin forest material, coco fiber, pumice, worm castings, bat guano, non gmo soybean meal, fishbone meal, non gmo alfalfa meal, leonardite, kelp meal, greensand and mycorrhizal fungi.
The other bag of soil I have is Nectar of the Gods....coir fiber, perlite, yucca meal, basalt, and mycorrhizal fungi.
I am leaning towards building my own soil as I go on and collect some more ingredients.
No worries my friend, absolutely beautiful!
Sounds like you have a great soil to begin with, you could keep it organic or give it liquid nutes, either way you'll get good results.
But your coco needs to be fed nutes everytime, no plain water ever. She only eats what you give her and don't let it dry out. Looking forward to seeing your progress 😀
First thing I recommend is forgetting about the PK boosters, they don't do anything positive growing in containers. It will only crash your pH and give you excess K, opposite of what you want in flower. There's plenty P in the base plant food and Cannabis is not a P heavy crop.

You may use PK booster in pure water cultures(hydro) to trigger flower on long flowering sativa's, but that's with complete control of keeping pH stable of the nutrient solution.

I rarely go over 600ppm/1.2 EC feeding 6 times a day in coco coir. I'm currently keeping a mom at 500ppm feeding two times daily, she would grow even faster and better feeding 3 times a day at the same feeding strength. It's better to add another feeding than to increase your nutrient strength to better keep EC and pH stable and in range. Growing in peat I often only fed two times a day but with slightly bigger containers and volume.

If you feed high EC and let the pots go too dry between watering/feeding you will create a sinus wave curve of pH fluctuations and heavy raising of EC ie nutrient strength, this most often cause nutrient lock outs. Keep the pots moist and never let them go too dry, use enough perlite (~30%) to make it almost impossible to over water.

It's very important to have good aeration going along the base of the stem going in to the pots, it will help prevent alot of nasties like bad bacteria cultures, it also keep gnats away.

Cannabis like wet feet's and a lot of aeration, the problem is lack of oxygen and creating a anaerobic environment when over watering.

Don't be afraid of PM or asking any questions, I've gone through most mishaps and problems growing Cannabis.

We're all here to help each other out!

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