Fiber Optics


New Member
I just read about a VERY interesting idea of using fiber optics to conduct light from outdoors directly into a grow room... eliminating light costs, exhaust fans, heat issues, sketchy electricity bills. does anyone think this is a feasible idea for indoor growing?
Apparently not.

If it worked and as long as FO have been around, someone would be selling 'systems' for sure.

I actually thought about that a couple years back. It would be interesting to see. The reason you haven't seen one is because fiber optics would cost WAY too much. It would take a long time to offset the cost of a system like that. Depending on how far you wanted to run it, it would take a huge amount of fiber optics to achieve what you were after. Just imagine how many bundles it would take to equal the length and width of a HPS light. For super cheap ones they cost about .85 per foot.
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