Ffof Barneys Purple Punch Autoflower Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Day one seeds been planted in 5 gal fabric pots just ffof so far no nutes just watered . I have megacrop on stand by when she gets a little older. As well as cal- mag.I'm currently running the grow in the shed but it gets a little chilly at night so have a heater and fan . Temps stay from 70 to 80. Humidity 35 to 65 %. I am still in process of my white widow auto in there and its turning out great Video of the little setup I have in the shed


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Bmensi, perhaps have a read on how to create a journal. There are series of questions in there that you could copy and past here in your journal and then write the answer of them.
This will help the members to understand your setup, your grow and much more.
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