Feminized autoflowering seeds

You must be new here, lol.

Rob, so many of the people who choose to grow auto-flowering strains these days grow feminized ones that I wonder at times if they even know that non-feminized auto seeds are still available in the marketplace. I'd be willing to bet (zero dollars, though) that, if you visited our Journals in Progress ( <<<---link ) section, clicked on the magnifying glass icon at the top to perform a search, typed "autoflower" (sans quotation marks) in the box that popped up, selected "This forum" instead of "Everywhere," and then clicked on the Search button... that well over 90% of the 1,800+ threads you'd get as a result would be feminized ones. Probably closer to 99%. That's "...of the threads where auto-flowering plants are actually being grown," of course. There will probably be some chaff with your wheat, so to speak, threads where autos are mentioned but not actually being grown.

Here's a crowd favorite:
Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record
...a purple people pleaser ;) .
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