Female and Male: How does the process work?


New Member
Hey guys!

This is my first post here on the forums! Me and my buddy were thinking about starting up a little grow op in my closet. Ive smoked the stuff a fair amount but basically know nothing about how the seeds work. We were thinking about buying some feminized seeds on the web, knowing that they will flower and produce buds. Im only in this for the extra cash and dont really smoke it during the school year, so the fem seeds sounded like a plan ( not wasting time and money on plants that wont give me money back). We figured out the basics for a closet grow from googling and asking around. The closet is probably 4 ft wide and 2 feet deep and 8 feet tall. I think were looking at growing indica so im not really worried about the height.

So I guess I have a few questions:

-If I buy feminized seeds, will all of them, in fact, produce buds?
-If I get a plant that flowers(I think "flowers" and "produces buds" is the exact same thing, someone let me know!), will all the seeds that come off that plant be female as well?
-If I get a male plant, can I still use it for something productful?
-Is it worth spending the extra cash on fem'd seeds? Knowing that this will be our first grow and that im in it for the cash.
-Around how many (giv'er take) indica plants do you think I can fit in that closet space? I have never seen a pot plant in person so Im not sure how wide these things get.

If someone could just lay out in some straight-to-the-point general seed information that would be awesome as well. Im taking Chemical Engineering not biology so anything simple is a big help hahah.

I am sure I will be coming back to this for more questions, but anything and everything could give me a hint or lead me to a solution so dont be afraid to post!

I appreciate it!!!
Feminized seed are neither guaranteed to sprout or be female.For your first grow I would recommend bag seed to learn from.Also refrain from saying anything about what your using your "meds" for on this site or anywhere,remember the whole world has access to this including you local law enforcement.There is a thread on here that will teach you all you need to know on growing and after you have a understanding of the general process of growing and the rules of this forum come back and I would be glad to help you.Solocup:)

New to the forum,not to growing....
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