Favorite homemade water recipes and special techniques


Hi I'm Fred...I have 5 posts...I want all yer secrets to longer life, the stock market, swooning women, and growing weed

Umm... Keep an eye out yer front door... The Illuminati have now been notified of you and will be watching

:thedoubletake: :popcorn: :cheer:
Right after I draw a map to my morel mushroom spot...lol JK JK! I got no secrets. It just seems to grow! Cheers mate! :yahoo:

I'll be waiting for that my friend

Oh hell yes

:headbanger: :surf:
I like to use Mio in my water. Really takes it to the next level if you find a flavor you like. In the summer, I like the Mocha Java, but has to be over ice. On occasion I'll take the lemonade and give my tea a squirt. Standby options that are always in rotation: black cherry and tropical fusion.

Lots of good vitamins, no calories, and a good way to pep up the ol plain water for sure. And if you haven't tried it, Bai's Molokai Coconut is outstanding.

As for a non-water secret to take it to the next level? When you do ribs, you want to find some Rib Candy from Texas Pepper Jelly. Highly recommend the Apple/Brown Sugar hab, Black Cherry/Grape hab, Peachy Peach hab, and Pineapple hab. Now what you're gonna do, and this is a quick tutorial but should get it in the ballpark:

- Pit temp 235, pecan base with about 1/3 hickory

- Cook 3 hours directly on the pit

- wrap each rack in foil (put a good squirt of honey on the foil, then a few squirts of parkay spray). lay the rack back side up, light spray of parkay and squirt honey. add 1/8th of a cup of apple juice and wrap tight. be careful not to puncture the foil. wrapping in 2 sheets isn't bad.

- Cook 2 more hours wrapped

- BE CAREFUL! The ribs will be fall off the bone, bone slide right out, at this point. Did I mention to BE CAREFUL? One rack at a time, put it on a good cutting board, or something that will fully support the rack. Open an end a bit, and drain the juice carefully. Save it for beans, whatever. Don't waste that goodness. Use the foil to GENTLY slide the rack back onto the pit, with the thicker meat side UP!

- Carefully brush each rack with rib candy. First run, get a nice coat on there.

- Cook 30 minutes, and give it a final brush with the rib candy.

- Cook 30 minutes more, and check for tenderness. At this point we don't what the bone to just fall out. We want just enough pull to keep the meat on. If not ready, let them go another 15 minutes and then pull them. Be careful.

- Let them rest inside 5-10 minutes, and then slice. Make sure that knife is sharp.

Then what?

Watch the panties drop, my friend. The wimmens will think you're a barbecue legend, and will service your every need.

OK, maybe not quite that on your first run at it, but they'll be better than anything you've had before.
Nothing special at all...just water, nutes and as much light as I can give it. Id be careful of anyone trying to convince you theres some "secret" to growing plants. There really isnt...just do what we've been doing for thousands of years with plants.
The secret to great weed is great genetics. Best grower in the world can't grow Kind from Crap.

After that the less you do is better. More plants are screwed up by people making them better than then plants left alone. N-P-K and a little Lilly Miller B-1 plant starter for Cal/Mag are all you really need for a soil grow. After that you let the plants do the work.

If you look around on Grow Journals you find lots of helpful hints. Lots of use do things a certain way and no longer see things as secrets. Now they are just how we do things. Look for people with similar grow styles as you. Not much use for soil info if your are growing hydro and visa versa.
Guy hasn't been back since this post



Everyone else can benefit from my panty-dropping rib method. :D :D :D

I wasn't kidding. Those ribs will melt in your mouth and you'll be spoiled for life. :thumb:
Smoked ribs or nothing

Well...I mean ill try yer ribs...but I won't like em

Ok I might like em...but not very much

Ok fine...never had a rib I didn't like...a lot

Ya happy now!!!!!

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