Fastbuds said this was XXL and they sure weren't joking


Well-Known Member
This has been a problematic and challenging grow for me all round for a number of reasons. First of all I intended this grow to be an outside grow from start to finish but events dictated otherwise.
I planted an Amnesia haze auto and a Lemon skunk auto in a 25 litre pot on my back patio thinking I would just leave them there till harvest. Everything was going great until the Amnesia haze went into the preflowering stretch and shot up to 5 ft. tall, and it hadn't even begun flowering yet !! now the fence behind my back patio isn't all that high and the top part of the plant was now visible to my neighbours and everybody passing by on the road outside which I wasn't very happy about and I was beginning to get paranoid about the whole thing.
I decided to break the stem (supercrop) to try and control the vertical height but this didn't really slow her down and she bounced right back in a few days then it turned out that the landlord was sending workmen round to do some repairs on the roof and I just gave up at this point and decided to finish her off in my tent.
Now my tent is only 3 x 3 x 6 ft. and this baby barely fitted in, I had to fix my light directly to the pole on top of the tent as there was no space for ratchet hangers :)

This was when I first placed them in the tent.

And it keeps getting bigger day by day , judging from its looks it probably has another month at least to go. Fastbuds said this strain was XXL and they sure weren't kidding. Will update on the progress of this beauty as she matures, will be interesting to see its final size.
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