ever repair your bowl?


New Member
ok i have a peice that cracked in half(side bubbles,and it cracked right next to the bowl and it was a clean break) i can still use it perfectly fine if i hold it together,,,but its such a pain in the ass(plus i cant keep water in it if i do that which jsut defeats the entie purpose of using it)...soo what do you think will best peice this back together,a freind told me super glue??

something that drys fast and wont get weak on me,its just a regular glass bowl
dude just save up for a new piece, you dont want to be smoking super glue or small pieces of glass.

but if u have to i guess u could supper glue it
I have no idea, personally

but if you're going to go with glue, look for something that isn't toxic and drys extremely fast

and be careful not to get the glue anywhere near where there's going to be an open flame.....
i have two more bowls and blunts are at the gas station...but i really wanna smoke out of the bubbler again....its not gonna kill me if i dont fix it and its not a big deal(it has been broken for months) i just rembered that i had it and it could be very eaisly repaired and im really wanting to smoke out of it...
Gorilla Glue should work for you. It has to dry for 24 hours, but after that it's the strongest bonding agent on the planet. As long as you're not putting fire right on it, you should be fine. You could also use duct tape, just to apply that pressure needed to hold it together. But yes, the best idea would be to get a new peice.
Hichhiker said:
Gorilla Glue should work for you. It has to dry for 24 hours, but after that it's the strongest bonding agent on the planet. As long as you're not putting fire right on it, you should be fine. You could also use duct tape, just to apply that pressure needed to hold it together. But yes, the best idea would be to get a new peice.

I used Gorilla Glue to fix my bong, and I learned something important about it: It foams as it dries. Not a big problem, but something to be aware of.
I had a little glass bat that had broke and the bowl piece was fine and i was desperate to smoke so i taped it to a piece of a metal mouth piece with some black electrical tape.
dude your better off just buying a new piece...glass is nearly impossible to fix unless you go to a blower in your town and pay him to fix it for you....but you might as well just buy a new piece with that money....ive always stuck to a metal bowl myself...ive heard several things about fumes and whatever but that is the least of my concerns....as long as im not getting stoned and breaking my prized glass works of art it works fine for me
Hichhiker said:
Gorilla Glue should work for you. It has to dry for 24 hours, but after that it's the strongest bonding agent on the planet. As long as you're not putting fire right on it, you should be fine. You could also use duct tape, just to apply that pressure needed to hold it together. But yes, the best idea would be to get a new peice.

LOL, whatever you do, if using gorilla glue, don't get it on ya. . . I use it once in awhile at work, and had to wait till it wore off about 2 weeks later. . . Leaves one hell of a stain on your skin. :smokin3:
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk,mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. . .

LMAO... did you make that up?
Grim_Reefer4_20 said:
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk,mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. . .

LMAO... did you make that up?

No, I wish I had his literary talent. . . Its Jack Kerouac, I think from "On The Road", but not sure I have read alot of his stuff. :smokin3:
anyone I have seen that uses superglue usually ends up having their piece broken again about a month after it has been glued.
Aside from possibly being toxic, the pipe will NEVER be airtight again. Even once the glue is dry you are re-heating the pipe everytime you smoke it creating what are sure to be harmful and posionous fumes. And god help you if the flame ever hits it directly! People praise vaporizors so much because they are clean, this would be the exact opposite.

My advice, buy a new piece. It's glass, stuff breaks. :peace:
glass glue is amazing......it is made for glass and can withstand the temp changes that come from lighting a bowl.

but i would just get another piece
While glass glue may retain it's integrity under heat it was not made with the intention that any fumes produced by the heating of it would be inhaled into your lungs on purpose.
i had a glass pipe break right in the middle of the stem. i cut a piece of deerskin just a bit bigger around than the stem. laced it with sinew then heated the skin to shrink it. worked great. wonder what happened to it?

so all you need is a deer.............
Haven't broken a bowl yet....so nope never repaired one.
My friend has a lil chillum that broke in half so he taped it together with electrical tape. After awhile the resin built up so much that it hold the pipe together! No tape on it or anything anymore, just held together by resin.
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