Epsom salt foliar spray dosage

A member did a great write up in his journal.

Here's the link:

A member did a great write up in his journal.

Here's the link:

Thanks alot buddy, but he didn't really tell how much he's using for foliar he said 1tsp per 5L for seedlings how about normal plants ?
Thanks alot buddy, but he didn't really tell how much he's using for foliar he said 1tsp per 5L for seedlings how about normal plants ?
Well... @Tokin Roll journal is still active, don't be shy to ask I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
I think you want fairly high concentrations. There is a good article about it I read recently on a blog I follow, but unfortunately we aren‘t allowed to post outside links.

But here is a quote from it. You can do the math for the MgSO4 dosage listed in the table to convert it to ppm. But at the highest range 10 kg/500 litres is -20,000 ppm (!).

“ Foliar fertilizers should generally be much more concentrated. When people apply foliar fertilization they usually apply much lower concentrations because they are afraid of burning leaves. Although this can certainly happen if the foliar fertilizer is badly designed research has shown that the best results are obtained with much higher concentrations than what you generally use for the roots. For example when you apply an iron foliar fertilization regime you generally use a concentration of 500-1200 ppm of Fe while in root applications you only very rarely go beyond 4-5 (most commonly 1-3 ppm). Usually concentrations in foliar fertilizers will be much higher and if the fertilizer is correctly designed this will give much better results. The graph below (taken from the first review linked above), shows some of the most commonly used fertilizer concentrations.

Surfactants are very important (don’t use dish washing soap!). Leaf coverage is very important in foliar applications because you want the fertilizer to be evenly spread across the entire leaf not “clumped” into drops due to surface tension. Many people have trouble with nutrient burn due to bad fertilizer design that causes inadequate leaf coverage. However all surfactants are not created equal and ionic fertilizers are very undesirable for this task due to their interaction with leaf tissue and fertilizers. Due to this reason you should NOT use something like dish washer liquid soap but a proper non-ionic surfactant like a polysorbate. The surfactant will be a very important part of your foliar fertilizer formulation.’

There is a bunch more useful information but this covers the dosage part.
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