End of week 4 buds are a bit small


420 Member
Gday everyone I'm on my first grow ever today is the end of week 4 and I don't really know what to expect I think my buds look a bit small any information or guidance would be much appreciated cheers


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here's mine at 4 weeks.
I'm not sure why yours are not developing.
we would have to know more like nutrients used
The lighting
are you in soil or hydro.
Then we might be able to help you.
I'm using a dodgy cheap eBay LED waiting on a 600 W HPS light should be here in 2 or 3 days hoping it can be saved
In feeding professors nutrients a and b and rock resinator following the bottle guidelines
I'm not familiar with those nutrients so I cannot help you in how much to feed them.
If you're growing in hydro then you need to make sure they you keep the water at around 72 degrees fahrenheit.
If you don't then you could get root rot.
Also,if your budget allows buy some of this to protect your roots.


Botanicare Hydroguard Bacillus Root Inoculant, Quart

Also,buy silica to strengthen the stems and branches.
I hope this helps and good luck with your grow
Been using the whole professor line last couple years.. what you in, medium you using? I wouldn't think dwc? Why you need hydroguard I'm not sure :rolleyes:
Peat moss and perlite...... and if someone could help me out when do you start counting flowering from the onset of flowers or from the day you switch to 12 12?
Depends who you are.. some from flip, others from when first seeing flower development.. the later will get you more inline with breeders recommendations to flowering time, even though these times are from the flip. Make sense? No.. times are set growing in the optimum conditions, using commercial lights controlled environment, not a tent a small led. also sales, 55-60days or 70-75days...
Id get some roots and go green.. plant, while looking green, looks slightly stressed, not as lush as she could...
Mate they not looking bad.. also age maturity will develop quicker, strains will.. some plants won't show sex for month after flip, lol..
Coming along well mate...
Changing to 600hps won't hurt them, they'll thank you :passitleft:
Just so I know, all they get is a&b and rock resinator? I actually thought that was banned.. worth checking out... Do you use any cal-mag? Tap water? Did you buy your medium in a bag mixed? Does it come mixed with added Fertilisers? Looking good man, I'm on different screen not my scratchy phone...
Edit; it was only banned in Oregon in states, from info I searched, organic v hydro crap, asprin in it for shelf life not labelled..
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