
As stated on her profile @Emilya Green

Emilya asked me to let you all know what's she's been up to. She's ok and safe in her apartment, but life for her has drastically changed. With the loss of her father and partner/roommate, she's having to work more to make ends meet and simply doesn't have the time or passion right now to rejoin us. The grow house belonged to her dad, so she has nowhere to grow and she just doesn't feel the same without it. She wishes everyone a Happy New Year and will be back when the time is right. Please join me in sending her lots of love and positive healing energy through the universe :love::Namaste:

We have not heard from her since, even after reaching out a few times.

Sure would be nice to have her back with us someday :Namaste:
@Emilya Green , I wish you the absolute best in all your endeavors. Keep your eye on your dreams, with the absolute knowledge that dreams do come true. Keep your heart and mind open to all the good in the Universe as it conspires to find you. Always look for the good and it will find you.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Thank you for the info, so now....let me remove the cap from this bottle of Somersby Mango & Lime.
This is my plan and it's a long shot...
Em likes Billie Eilish.
I have a whole rake of seeds from an old and ancient Welbugerd-Dup grow.
I shall plant them.
This will be my Em-&-Eilish grow.
It is a long shot, it is possible Emilya looks in as a visitor.
She knows I've never made a successful grow to date.
She may smile.
I could see that she was getting tired and ready to take a break about 6 months before she stopped posting.
That was due to her reassessing her constant head to head battles in the forums with people, arguing different methods and perspectives all of the time. She was finally starting to see how the energy would go south and was working hard to avoid doing that, so it put a damper on her posts for a while during the adjustment period. It was a challenging learning curve to train herself to be less argumentative and to walk away when things got too heated. We were all really proud of her for taking it seriously, herself included. Then her dad got sick and passed quickly, it really uprooted her whole world. Then losing her home and garden on top of it, just sucked the wind right out of her sails altogether. She lost her dad, her girlfriend, her home and her gardening all at once. That's all she had. Hopefully she aligns with a new girl and a new garden and resurfaces in the days to come.
Idk if I can follow this thread, poor Emilya that's a lot of heartache in a tiny rush of time. 🙏😔 Hopefully she's finding solid ground and hasn't become lost in the tragedy. To lose the people you love back to back and lose everything you know can emerse the heart in a dark sad place.
Emilya you've been a strong name in this community, your name is mentioned across 420 Magazine almost daily. That shows how much of an impact your being here has made in the hearts of your followers, those you've taught through your teachings. You're a Legend.
That was due to her reassessing her constant head to head battles in the forums with people, arguing different methods and perspectives all of the time.....
Yes, there was that. I was noticing what looked like frustration with newer growers asking for help but not supplying answers to basic questions that she asked; like asking what was the pH of the water being used or what was the fertilizer, dose & frequency as examples.
I was wondering what happened. @Emilya Green was always so helpful, especially for.new growers who asked stupid questions...like myself a few years ago :)

emilya, wishing you well and hope you return when the time is right.
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