Ellsworth Considers Marijuana Dispensary Moratorium


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Maine - The Ellsworth City Council is deciding Monday night whether there should be a moratorium in the city on medical marijuana dispensaries.

The police chief says while the state's task force works on what the rules and regulations should be statewide, his city needs to take a step back and give themselves time to sort everything out.

He says no one has approached the city to open a dispensary, but he wants the city to be ready. "This way it allows us to put things on hold, and do our thing," said Chief Joe DeLeo.

Ellsworth's city planner is always considering what type of businesses may want to move into the city. But there's nothing on the books regarding where marijuana dispensaries could be located. She said a moratorium would give them time to look into those issues.

"We're not ready to deal. Definitely not ready," said Michele Gagnon. "The goal is to give it its own line," she said, explaining that may be the best way for the city to handle the new type of businesses.

It sounds like a good idea to some residents. "I think you need to take your time and do things right the first time so you don't have to redo it," said Linda Domke. "It will impact our community so you might as well to it right."

The moratorium would be for six months, and is based on the one Brewer passed in December. The city council meeting starts at 7 p.m. at city hall.

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Source: WCSH6
Author: Kara Matuszewski
Contact: WCSH6.com | Portland, ME
Copyright: 2010 WCSH6.com
Website: Ellsworth considers marijuana dispensary moratorium
ELLSWORTH, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Ellsworth's city council approved Monday night a moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries.

Ellsworth is the second city in Maine, following Brewer, to make such a move following November's vote in which Mainers approved such businesses. The moratorium is for six months.

Ellsworth's police chief and city planner say this gives the city time to consider where they would like these types of businesses.


Kara Matuszewski - WCSH6.com | Portland, ME
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