Ego Picks Berries - Quadlining With Canuk Seeds' Northern Lights


Well-Known Member

I will be having some fun times with some Blueberry in this thread. Planning to grow her in FFOF with added pearlite and Mykos again. A local greenhouse kindly let me have some used ~3 gal nursery pots free of charge, one of which will be her final home after starting in a one-quart nursery pot.

More to come... :smokin:
I'm in for this!! Whewhoo... I'm pulling up a seat. Can't wait to see you do your thing!! Happy Wednesday!! 😎✌️🎶
Thanks for dropping in y'alls!
I'm in for this!! Whewhoo... I'm pulling up a seat. Can't wait to see you do your thing!! Happy Wednesday!! 😎✌️🎶
Hell of a Wednesday it has been. Be hitting the B right now if I had the time 😤
I’m in too.

I’ve seen your Nic. I like it. I’m all about an ego dance 💃🏼
Afraid I'm not sure what you mean by nic but thanks 🫣
It's a goofy dance, but I do it anyways.
Thanks for dropping in y'alls!

Hell of a Wednesday it has been. Be hitting the B right now if I had the time 😤

Afraid I'm not sure what you mean by nic but thanks 🫣
It's a goofy dance, but I do it anyways.
Your Nic name. Absolute ego dance.
Your Nic name. Absolute ego dance.
Ahh I gotchu... Had me wondering if I posted about my vaping habits somewhere :hmmmm::laugh:
I mentioned in the last journo that I was torn between growing NL and Blueberry. Well this could end up being a NL log anyways... Sadly I'm not having much luck getting either of these berries to wake up. There's a mix of factors that could be causing this, I'll let them take their time but if the second one doesn't crack I'm gonna be a sad Ego.
Don't let it crush you AED. My last start I went through 5 or 6 duds before I got one to germ. Happens. Too bad they $$$ so much.
Thanks mate, yea' being really excited for a strain then suddenly having tens of dollars get ate up, stings a bit I can't deny. Good thing is I'm not so broke that I can't get some more berries for later. And there's still 7 NL's in my stash!
Hey friend, I hope that today is going better for you than that Wednesday, I am open for venting jsyk friend, message me anytime, I will get back to you the same day.
please tell me did you have anything to do with the creation of that song? @AbsoluteEgoDance kudos to you if you id, an also kudos if you did not. ttys ok :goof: me doing the absolute ego dance:blunt:
@420 thank you for having these emojis:nerd-with-glasses:
Hey friend, I hope that today is going better for you than that Wednesday, I am open for venting jsyk friend, message me anytime, I will get back to you the same day.
please tell me did you have anything to do with the creation of that song? @AbsoluteEgoDance kudos to you if you id, an also kudos if you did not. ttys ok :goof: me doing the absolute ego dance:blunt:
@420 thank you for having these emojis:nerd-with-glasses:
Thanks, I'm doing fine tho'! I wish I could have been there when that song was being made LOL, Yellow Magic Orchestra was way before my time. Didn't hear much about that band until I started going online as a little thing.
Third time's the charm, this now is a Northern Lights grow instead of Blueberry. I got that first seed in a paper towel more like 30 hours ago and it already shot out a nice long taproot. I like a vigorous little onion!
Third time's the charm, this now is a Northern Lights grow instead of Blueberry. I got that first seed in a paper towel more like 30 hours ago and it already shot out a nice long taproot. I like a vigorous little onion!
I had trouble starting a Blueberry and Northern Lights grow a couple of years ago too. In my case it was the NL that didn't want to cooperate.
Sucks when it happens, but I'm looking forward to watching your NL grow. :)
Sadly I'm not having much luck getting either of these berries to wake up. There's a mix of factors that could be causing this, I'll let them take their time but if the second one doesn't crack I'm gonna be a sad Ego.
Post up your process if you want and maybe one of us will see some things you could try differently to help improve your odds.
Thread's unlocked... Let's go!!!
As she was her first day above soil, Aug. 19th.


Currently on day 5 and she's grown lots. I will be able to get a picture tonight. 24/0 lighting and no nutes yet.
Day 5
Those baby fingers are pretty big!



I completely forgot to add the extra perlite, and start in a nursery pot, but it shouldn't even be an issue. There is a layer of Mykos in the middle of the cup and some sprinkled around the seed hole before planting. She's loving it so far it would seem.
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