Ecothrive Coco


420 Member
Hello fella growers I recently purchased Ecothrive Coco 70 coco 30 perlite.


I have a couple of questions.

Is this coco to hot to pot from germination.

Shall I flush with PH water 💦 to set the correct PH, or shall I just start water the seedlings 🌱.

I would appreciate anyone’s advice.

One love from 🇬🇧
Hi Mate - welcome to 420
Should say on the bag, an approximate EC and pH, or if it's ok for seedlings or just regular potting soil
If in doubt, start your babies in any old garden centre cuttings/seedlings compost, up-pot later
Hi Mate - welcome to 420
Should say on the bag, an approximate EC and pH, or if it's ok for seedlings or just regular potting soil
If in doubt, start your babies in any old garden centre cuttings/seedlings compost, up-pot later
Thank you mate I’ll give the packaging a read. Still waiting on the post ✉️ thought. Thank you 🙏
Thank you mate I’ll give the packaging a read. Still waiting on the post ✉️ thought. Thank you 🙏
Regular Canna coco pro is buffered, roughly pH 6.2 and absolutely fine for seedlings
Yours says Lite on the front, so should be ok

*edit* just checked out their website - yes, it's good for seedlings and vegging plants for a few weeks [they say]
Hello fella growers I recently purchased Ecothrive Coco 70 coco 30 perlite.


I have a couple of questions.

Is this coco to hot to pot from germination.

Shall I flush with PH water 💦 to set the correct PH, or shall I just start water the seedlings 🌱.

I would appreciate anyone’s advice.

One love from 🇬🇧
Welcome to 420magazine my friend.
That’s prebuffered and charged.
Meaning your good to go.
Straight into the coco.
Get calmag asap, you need it.
Put calmag in your water first then feed babies 1/4 strength nutrients with calmag in your water first.
As they grow raise the strength eventually to full strength.
At 5.8 ph everyday.
Never give your girls water in coco, it has zero nutrients.
What nutrients do you have?
Check my threads I explain everything in pictorials.
If you have any questions my door is always open.
Happy growing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hi Mate,

Nice one thank you for your advice.

I’ll plant the girls straight in the coco it’s charged so I’ll wait 2 to 3 weeks before nutrients start to go in the water.

You reckon give this as soon as they sprout 🌱.


I’ve also got the feeding timetable/dosage.

maybe a grow journal that would be good

One love from zUk
Hi Mate,

Nice one thank you for your advice.

I’ll plant the girls straight in the coco it’s charged so I’ll wait 2 to 3 weeks before nutrients start to go in the water.

You reckon give this as soon as they sprout 🌱.


I’ve also got the feeding timetable/dosage.

maybe a grow journal that would be good

One love from zUk
Looks good.
I start around 250-300 ppm in coco.
After a week I gradually raise it to full strength.
Always with calmag in my plain water before adding nutrients.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hi Bill,

Perfect I’ll grab some cal-mag then hopefully 🤞 they stock it in my local shop.

Also I have the AC Infinity auto-feeders I’ve heard a lot of good things about them.


Do you think it’s a good idea also to bounce around the PH because within the correct range.

Sorry to be a pest mate.
Hi Bill,

Perfect I’ll grab some cal-mag then hopefully 🤞 they stock it in my local shop.

Also I have the AC Infinity auto-feeders I’ve heard a lot of good things about them.


Do you think it’s a good idea also to bounce around the PH because within the correct range.

Sorry to be a pest mate.
Your not a pest :Namaste:
All questions are valid.:thumb:
Auto feeders are good for coco, excellent choice.
Ph is best kept as close as you can get to 5.8
If you pre mix your auto feeders nutrients check your batch every day.
Ph will change as solids drop out of the solution.
But close to 5.8 is usually pretty good.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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