DWC Lowryrder2 breeding grounds with lst'n(1st grow 400w hps)

Poke Smot

Well-Known Member

So I will be starting with 10 LR2 seeds right now I have them sitting in a bowl with bananas coverd I read about a guy who has a 70/30 female ratio i figure what is it gonna hurt. MY sole intended purpose of this grow is to grow all ten seeds out even if some are male i want as many seeds as i can get my hands on ( virtually a sex facory ) they are to expensive to buy. I will be growing in a deep water culture system not the aeropontics setup that i home made but the airstone setup. Its light will be shead by a 400w switchable light system made by the CAP made by next gen. I would like some reviews if you have them.I will be using rocwohl cubes Also i will be using micros(pirana,taranchula,carboload, and conniesur a and b. Sorry i cant speel worth sh!t. my lights are on the way aswell as the nutes I will leaveseeds in with the nanas four one week ( the guy does two) then I will germinate everthing should be here. i will be growing in a room closet or hall closet haven't decieded yet any sujestions FEEL FREE thank you guys this will be a blast. stick around check back in a week or two.:cheer:
I have choosen the Lowryders because with the setup i will be going with they thrive so i have heard. a lil more expensive but what i wanted to achieve was that instead of on my first grow being big fat juicy plants and a 90 to 120 days full grow I wanted somthing to give me smoke quicker than that. so i can be patient for the next grow .the lowryder is 60 from soe to harvest. i think that a 100 day grow with the other seeds i bought would be cool on the second grow and i will have more patience then. And i think insted of growing all out i will grow out 3-4 and collect pollen from the males then pollenate where i want to acheive seeds. i will also give more details on the grow and setup when everything gets here so everyone is on the same track. sorry and thank you all:peace:
oktoday I recieved a big pakage with most of my stuff But mainly with everything I need to start the process right now Here is a list of everything I will be doing, step by step and the process i do it in.hope this helps I will be germing tonight papertowl method on top of the playstation to keep it around 80 or so have heard good things about this SO here we go.:peace:
Ok one more thing ya'all I have for nutes sensi grow A+B and Connisouer A+B with pirhana and tranchula and caroload will these do the trick or do i need somthing else seeing that it is an auto flower. DAMAGAMAN WHAT DO THINK ANY body else with SOME GOOS XPERtise thank you EVERyboDY
I can't wait for the pics... I considering going DWC in a couple of grows time. I've seen some great results using this system and I like the idea of being able to build my own.

I crossed my fingers and hoping you'll get all your goodies soon!

Peace out ;)
You'll enjoy the LR2. It is a fun grow with some pretty good and stinky herb. I've grown the LR and the LR2. LR is a pretty plant, but the quantity was low compared to the LR2.:rollit:
Sorry, Poke Smot, I don't understand what you are asking.
HOw do you nkow it is kool to post on here i am curently applying for a lisense scared to ppost the grow
doess this make sense

I don't know. Your question makes sense and is valid. That is why it is important NOT to share any personal info my PMs or on a forum. You can't be sure of anything these days. One thing I can be sure of, this bowl is going to make me feel much better; the pain will melt.:peace:
Hey I want to try some lowlife seeds mixed with ak47 and lowlife mixed with blueberry feminised, but the place where I get my seeds from are out of stock. I will be watching this journal closely along with march madness. From what I read I heard it's best to do 20/4 for the whole time of the lr growth (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
I always ran 18/6 with mine. Save a little electricity.
OK soory folks it has been a while but here are some updates I germed four LR2 seed but one turned to mush and one never fully popped one is foing great and one is having a hard time surviving I also planted a mystery seed they sent me we'll see what happens. I had two plants outdoor, ok one was outdoor originally when i smoke i will go outside on front porch and chill on the swing and smoke anyways i have lava rocks everywhere out there and i just throw them out when i find them anyways about 9 weeks ago i saw that one sprouted so i transplanted into a pot and planted another seed when the other one was at 2weeks. ok so i put them under a real week flouro and they stretched for 3 week then i bought them outside again untill i reached 8 weeks. after alot of research my journey was about to begin. so after things arrived i put them under a 400 w hps from day one and started 12-12 the older plant was about 7" and the younger comming in at 6" the 7 incher looks more sativa and the younger looks more indy i started lst on ther when they were outside about 3 weks ago groing really slow untill i brought them inside. now i have alot of activity on booth plants the older one has alot of braching going on and has een topped, the younger one is growing and just getting fat.
as for the lowryders they are comming along and all plant will soon e transplanted to dwc and continue under 12-12 it has been 6 days under the hps. I have some pics i will be uploading.




Hey good to see some pics. Is that a packet of liquorice rizla I see there? I always find a packet of them. Csn't wait to see them LR2's

Stay High;)
I have read it will help induce the flowering stage kinda panics the plants into overdrive thinking winter is comming early.I think IRIE does this or did on one gro wbut i cant remember. IRIE TUNE in if you are out there!!!
ALSO last night before or right as the light came on i tranplanted into the dwc system AND WHAT A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ass not counting the mess that was involved i am at a total of 1300 ppm with nutes 800 sensi grow A+B and 600 CONNESIOURE A+B with carbo and pirhana and trachula.and all seems to be well temps are hard to keep down. but managing at around 84-86 at times. maybe thinking of routing ac in the closet. any ideas let me know very tight budget from here on in.:thanks:
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